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Arsen Melikyan edited this page · 14 revisions
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We've added a bot to some of the chatrooms. We'll be adding more features over time, but these are the starting features. We'd love to hear what you think! The main thing is pulling in content from our brand new wiki, right into the chat.

  • find js or find css or find html
    show a list of matching items.

  • help js ternary
    quick definition/help. click through to see more on the wiki

  • help video
    inline video

  • help bobbytables
    shows inline images

  • explain triphop you can embed soundcloud tracks

  • topics
    show a list of topics

Join the CamperBot DevTeam!

we're looking for some people to join the core dev team to work on new features for the bot. ping @dcsan on gitter or leave a message in

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