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How you can reach the Free Code Camp team to interview them for your publication

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We're happy to do a quick interview for your publication or show. Here's whom you should contact about what, and how to best reach them:

  • Want to talk to about Free Code Camp's curriculum or long-term vision? Reach out to Quincy Larson. He's @ossia on Twitter and @quincylarson on Gitter.
  • Want to talk about Free Code Camp's open source codebase, infrastructure, or JavaScript in general? Talk to Berkeley Martinez. He's @berkeleytrue on Twitter and @berkeleytrue on Gitter.
  • Want to explore our efforts to empower nonprofits with code? Michael D. Johnson eats, sleeps and breathes that. He's @figitalboy on Twitter and @codenonprofit on Gitter.
  • Want to get a camper's perspective on our community? Talk with Bianca Mihai. She's @bubuslubu on Twitter and @biancamihai on Gitter. Or you can talk with Suzanne Atkinson. She's @steelcitycoach on Twitter and @adventurebear on Gitter.

We strive to be helpful and transparent in everything we do. We'll do what we can to help you share our community with your audience.

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