
How Springs are Sprung

The euclid Delta Arms come with some extension springs to help get rid of lash in the ball joints.  I was fortunate enough to capture footage of them while they were being made!  Check out the video below: (more…)


Optimizing End Effector Rigidity

In the early stages of the euclid design there was not a lot of information publicly available on how to optimize the kinematics of a delta robot. The Reprap community seemed to be focused on minimizing total cost, and weight, resulting in flimsy arm configurations and plastic u-joints – not really suitable for tasks other than 3D-printing with a light-weight hotend and remote extruder. […]


3D Painting at Makerfaire Shenzhen

Fellow Shenzhen/Hong Kong maker, Alex Hornstein, had an interesting idea of how to dispense voxels in 3D space using food coloring and corn syrup, something he calls “3D painting”.  To put it simply, he added color to corn syrup inside a syringe and dispensed it into a plastic cup filled with transparent corn syrup.  Since […]