Let's Make Robots!

LMR scrapbook

Hey guys,

More and more often our work is showcased on other sites - let's have it collected, links, scrapbook :)

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The word was spread all over and Mr. Wake is in all techy blogs   :)
Congrats  ;)
And on BotJunkie!
Well done :D
Congrats! And keep an eye on it because soon it's gonna be everywhere! :D

Thanks a lot, guys! :D

I already spotted like three sites featuring Mr. Wake in blogs, but they all are clones of makezine entry. :D

OMG!!! x3

I just got what you were saying, Totoro! There dozens of it!.... :0


yellow drum machine caught on trossen robotics

(using chrome) http://blog.trossenrobotics.com/2008/09/12/little-drummer-bot/