Let's Make Robots!

LMR scrapbook

Hey guys,

More and more often our work is showcased on other sites - let's have it collected, links, scrapbook :)

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I think many of the sites which (re)create content in a way like that in reality act as composite RSS feeds. Think I just was amazed at the lack of interest those sites, linked earlier, paid to the actual content. Which leads to the next question. Why would anyone create a website which in fact is a composite feed of other peoples content. Are advertising incomes good enough to make it worth it.


"Are advertising incomes good enough to make it worth it. "

I think you just answered your own question...

Even if an incredible number of those links comes from the rss, i still managed to find original articles, in various languages like french, polish, japanese, chinese, bulgarian etc...

Have a look!

Damn, if Wall-E wasn't copyrighted, i'd make a sh*tload of money!

(and that's pretty funny, "TotoroYamada" quickly became "Totoryo Tamada", and a lot of them think i'm japanese...)


And at that time, the Youtube Video has been viewed more than 27000 times :D

Cool thanks for the info, i always thought rss were made just for people, never thought they could automatically add content to a website...

And it indeed explains why it's so fast!

The RSS technical aspect is rather simple. A feed is just a file structured in a specific way according to standard(RSS, ATOM etc.). This file/feed is made avilable for the public and updated dynamically with new content. A webmaster could now just create a script which checks the desired file/feed with a given interval, and based on if it has changed since last time checked you could do whatever you like, including updating a website based on the feed. 

Since feeds are public you can use them for whatever you like. You could create a program on your computer which checks a feed for updates and then sends a specific command to a serial output controlling a robot. Like your mailbot. You could make your mail-e update when new content arrives at LMR. 

I actually already thought about that... except that i can't find any rss on lmr...

To the right, under Quick Links is RSS feeds

We have an RSS feed for damn near everything ;)

tsss... good thing i'm in week-end, i seem tired...

Thanks man!

Don't underestimate the power of paper or cardboard robots :D

So true... i think i'll definitly switch to cardboard...

And one more on one of my favorite websites, Hacked Gadgets!