Let's Make Robots!

LMR scrapbook

Hey guys,

More and more often our work is showcased on other sites - let's have it collected, links, scrapbook :)

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Plugging Limor's hardware of course. That's justified I suppose.

Gareth wins the trifecta :D

Puff is Speading like Wildfire.

This is one link i was waiting for :- www.makezine.com


The blog article links to noise0's own website, but it's still "our" http://letsmakerobots.com/node/5015 .

Cleverly plugging their own webshop btw.

I am pleased to announce that Polymorph Caterpillar and SplatBot MkII have been bought by DAGU Hi-Tech Electronic Co., LTD.

They will come out in kit form in the near future. DAGU produce some fine robotic kits including the base used by Mcduino and the ASURO robot.

that is amazing!!!!   congratulations!!  :D