Let's Make Robots!

LMR scrapbook

Hey guys,

More and more often our work is showcased on other sites - let's have it collected, links, scrapbook :)

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LMR Dagu & Oddbot video contest are on Make:Online.


rik is king :D
Maybe I should clarify this for the others. I wrote a couple of blogs and tipped them about our two competitions. I basically promised them hilarious videos. Lets see who else answers my call....
It's good to know that many others outside of LMR will get to see our work. These two contenst have generated fantastic entries that all of LMR can be proud of :D
Gareth's metal finder is not a contest entry, but Hacked Gadgets e-mailed me, telling they are featuring it as a result of the attention the contests drew.

Probably this is not news to anyone, but I was suprised to find out that it's possible to find exactly where your youtube vids are being watched, and from which site via embeds.

So at the risk of tooting my own horn (but this seems to be the forum to do that...or get other people to toot it for you....erm..), youtube showed that my little 3WD robot is mirrored at tom-style (a japanese site, don't ask me to translate, the only japanese i know is "beeru" (beer), and "toy-re" (toilet)).


and also on make:



Schematics and step by step coming soon.. I hope.

Cardboard Walker Bot from ZigBotting is on Makezine.