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Name: Chris Spurgeon
Registered: September 24, 2012, 13:11
Posts: 18
Position: Newbie
Jabber/google Talk:
Biographical Info:

I am a tinkerer, I like to mess with things, even more I like to think about them. I enjoy time sitting in front of a white board drawing out concepts, solving problems, or creating problems to solve another time. I really don’t have much formal education in the areas I am truly passionate about *except if you count business, but as for computer programming or any other technical side, no I do not have ANY formal training. The type of training that I cherish and enjoy the most is that from my friends and family. I have plenty of friends that I talk with about different projects, most will be named on here, they are my wall where I throw the pasta onto and see if it sticks. With this being said that does not always mean I listen to them, nor do they listen to me.

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