PolargraphSD box contents:
PolargraphSD: This is the brains of the operation. It can either operate tethered, receiving commands via a USB connection, or standalone, reading commands from an on-board memory card.
Pair of motors: With sprockets attached. these are both the same, either one can be left or right. They’ve got some brackets to allow them to be mounted onto a flat surface. I’d use double-sided foam tape if it is planned to be permanent, that command strip stuff if it needs to be gentle. There’s holes in the corners too, so you and put a screw in to keep it steady.
Gondola: This is a single axis gondola with pen lift servo attached. There are two hooks that the beaded cord snap into. The central tube is smooth, and the pen should be fixed in with a blob of blu-tak. I know. Sophisticated stuff.
Pair of motor cables: These are electrically identical. They are a bit unruly – control them well. One end mates with the four-pin header on the motor assembly, the other goes into one of the motor ports on the PolargraphSD unit.
Beaded cord and S-locks: Standard kit includes 4 metres of beaded cord. The locks will help you form a loop around your counterweight.
Memory stick: Might not be exactly like this, but will be a capacious memory card and USB reader/writer. This is the easiest way to get long drawings ready for standalone drawings.
Pen lift extension wire: This is a long wire that’ll connect the pen lift on the gondola to the PolargraphSD unit. It doesn’t look very tidy, but it should trail as loosely as possible so as not to exert a force on the gondola while it’s moving.
Power supply: This is a 1.5A (or more) 9v power supply
A 5m long USB cable. 5m might seem long, but these machines aren’t necessarily convenient to have next to you at all times, so it’s good to have plenty of room.
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