
Small polargraph machine finished drawing my big goons face

This is my site and my project, my name is Sandy Noble. I am a programmer, a designer and a maker. I live in Edinburgh, Scotland. I am from Newcastle upon Tyne originally. I run a very small company called Up To Much that I am using to bring some of my designs to market. I like machines and mechanisms, furniture and using modern industrial magic to create bespoke technology for individuals.

My development work is mostly documented at my personal site at www.euphy.co.uk, and I put a lot of stuff on flickr too. Naturally there are the requisite facebook and twitter (@uptomuch) things too.

You can also email me at sandy [!at] polargraph.co.uk if you’d like!

3 thoughts on “Who?

  1. Hey Sandy,

    I found your work via a website called DRAWindow (a tumbrlblog).
    Really fascinating!
    Right now I’m interested in drawing on glass, on your machine you used some kind of chalk-pen. What kind of pen is that?
    Thanks for your help!

    All the best for your work, I’ll stay updated.

    – Kati

  2. Pingback: Project: Polargraph | BotClub

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