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Author Topic: An alternative to SD card?
Posts: 22
Post An alternative to SD card?
on: February 6, 2012, 23:36

I am considering a couple of serial radio transceivers, to have a more independent polargraph. Anyone got an experience with those? Hmm... solar powered polargraph painting patterrns of the day up in an inaccessible wall? 😎

Posts: 1317
Post Re: An alternative to SD card?
on: February 7, 2012, 21:38

I'd love to do something like that - it kind of begs for it eh. Will have to come up with a continuous inking or marking solution too, but that can't be too difficult.

My ideal controller would have
50K+ program space
Two reasonably powerful stepper drivers
A third stepper driver or PWM pins for servo for pen lift, spray on/off
Integrated microSD card for buffering / standalone prints
Integrated Bee port (for wireless comms)
Spare interrupts and input pins for endstops (self calibration/limits)
Spare pins for a hardware interface (controls, or other sensors)

Anybody else got anything they'd like to see in a new hardware platform?
Anything you'd want to see in the software in fact?

Posts: 22
Post Re: An alternative to SD card?
on: February 8, 2012, 09:10

Not strictly controller-related, but after hearing "the variable square wave song" for a whole night and a bit more 😉 , I'd say: a couple of cork pads (3 to 5 mm thick) to be inserted between the steppers and the mounts, or between the mounts and the frame. Vibrations may travel surprisingly far from their origins in wooden structures.
Software: the masses want fractal halftoning. All hail fractal halftonng ! 😉

Posts: 1317
Post Re: An alternative to SD card?
on: February 8, 2012, 21:35

Oh nothing mathsey please! All that stuff just makes me feel inadequate!

I thought I'd have massive problems with the noise, but in fact I didn't have any at all - I think because I stuck the brackets on with foam tape rather than screws or something harder, it just never materialised. Also of course, not using squealey microsteps either, hee hee.


Posts: 22
Post Re: An alternative to SD card?
on: February 8, 2012, 22:22

Foam tape is certainly great for the isolation. Also I am using more energy to drive larger steppers, etc. It is not the whine, it is the low freqs 😉

Doing a 10K points TSP vector drawing right now. It is coming out fine, but rather slow. I cannot believe this is the max speed (2000) I set. Acceleration is not working with C17, as you said. Any hints to make it run faster?

PS: here's the hilbert matsy - nasty stuff almost all civilized and ready to go in Processing:

Posts: 1317
Post Re: An alternative to SD card?
on: February 8, 2012, 23:18

I think you'll come up against that limit with the speed with accelstepper to be honest. 2000 is super fast for me, because I only have 800 steps per rev, and my big sprockets a higher mmPerRev too, but you have much more steps, and less mmPerRev, so it'll be a fraction of my speed. I never thought top speed would be a problem to be honest, so didn't worry about that. You would need to do some tests to see how quick you can go before you start dropping steps. Maybe try some square wave pixels so you can see the differences.

I put acceleration up to 6000 for C17, effectively turns it off. The newest code does this automatically, but try it, see if it makes a difference (do it while you're drawing, it'll go to the front of the queue) if you don't already have that version.

Posts: 22
Post Re: An alternative to SD card?
on: February 9, 2012, 09:05

THX Sandy! I'll do some tests and report. Yep I try to keep up to date 😉
"guessmetric" looking at suggests that C1 is going way faster than C17, so the limits of the library wouldn't be the main suspect.
The trick might reside in the difference between setMaxSpeed() and setSpeed().
A quick search of the code shows that setSpeed() isn't used at all currently. Maybe setting it at least once before the unaccelerated moves would do...

Posts: 1317
Post Re: An alternative to SD card?
on: February 9, 2012, 13:57

Setspeed() get's used in conjunction with runSpeed(). At the moment I do

while (motor.distanceToGo() != 0)

Doing it without acceleration should be something like:

long newPosition= 12345;
if ((motor.currentPosition - newPosition) < 0) // motor needs to go backwards
     // make negative speed if motor is to go backwards
while (motor.distanceToGo() != 0)
     // run speed doesn't implement acceleration

but in practice I couldn't get that to work. Not sure why, and very possibly was just being a dimwit.

The reason that C17 will always be slower than C01 is because it's made up of lots of tiny moves with a pause for recalculation in between each move. It chops the line up into segments. There is a setting "maxSegmentLength" (or something) that controls how big each segment is. If you're in the controller and press "i" you'll see a little overlay that shows some useful debugging stuff, and one of the values at the bottom is this maxSegmentLength. It might be called something slightly different at the moment. But it can be changed with "<" and ">". A value of 1 will make the machine pause to recalculate after every single step, so it is the most accurate, but the slowest. As you increase the values then you will begin to get a less and less straight line on the page. Each segment will start and end on the axis of the line, but it will deviate from the line during each segment.

This value is also visible in the C17 command, it's the last number in the command. Because your steps are so tiny, you might find that you can increase this to quite a high value before you start getting zigzag lines, and actually, if there's no acceleration curves, you might find less zigzag anyway.

Posts: 22
Post Re: An alternative to SD card?
on: February 9, 2012, 15:57

About the second segment of code posted:
Wouldnt runsSpeedToPosition() fit the task?

About C17: Sorry catching up...
trying to understand how certain solutions apparently manage to draw straight lines _apparently_ without multiple tiny segments for correction, like here:

The debug screen is handy. I ramped up the max line segment length to 500 without any perceptible change in speed. But again, this is a big jagged TSP... I will try with straight lines.

Edit: given that max segment length is the third param passed with C17, I had to regenerate the drawing from the vectors and now it is really at 492 max segment lenght, running like hell. That's great! (still have to deal with he pauses at each breakpoint, cause bleeding on the el cheapo kraft paper)

Posts: 1317
Post Re: An alternative to SD card?
on: February 9, 2012, 16:16

Ah, once the commands are loaded, changing the max seg length won't make any difference. The max seg length is fixed in the commands.

runsSpeedToPosition() (afaicr) is blocking so it can't run the two motors together in a loop. That linux CNC is good eh. I think kinematics is the way to do this "properly", this line-chopping system I use seems like a fairly inelegant way to do it. But of course, at a higher or a lower level, any lines that deviate from the true axes of the machine have to be made up a combination of smaller lines, and all curves are approximated with straight lines too, not a way around that. And any time there's extra calculation required it'll take longer. However, I think the way I'm using accelstepper for these moves probably isn't that clever.

I used the sequence of commands in this post to do my initial testing, just manually changing the last value in the commands and moving my bit of paper along after each one.

Posts: 1
Post Re: An alternative to SD card?
on: February 11, 2012, 11:18

I've used xbees with success, and have been prototyping with the rfm12 as they are only £6 each.

Posts: 1317
Post Re: An alternative to SD card?
on: February 11, 2012, 11:43

Brilliant, good to see you here Matt! Am I right in thinking this would use a pair of transmitters/receivers, one of them on the host PC with a USB connection, and the other wired to the SPI interface on the microprocessor?

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