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Author Topic: Can I add an SD card reader
Posts: 9
Post Can I add an SD card reader
on: March 12, 2016, 14:33


I am currently building my first polargraph, and so far so good!

I have got myself an Arduino Mega and Mk1 motor control board. I have all steppers and servo functioning correctly. I really want to try and add a SD card reader so I don't have to have my computer plugged in all the time whilst I am printing.

I found this post from Sandy mentioning that I can wire in a SD card reader to work with the Mega without the Polargraph shield.

Does anyone know if this will still work with the current firmware? If so what version of the firmware do I need to install on my Mega, the A1 version, or the Polarshield version?

Due to the lack of touchscreen, I am happy to initiate the print from the laptop, using the EXEC FROM STORE function in the controller queue tab.

I am new to this and my experience is limited, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks 🙂

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