I think I'd agree with all of that, definitely.
In principle, 400 step motors can be twice as precise as 200 step motors. In practice, either way the smallest unit of movement is still a fraction of the size of the blob of ink at the end of the pen. I expected to, but have never found a case where I needed the finer motors, so the new PolargraphSD uses 200 step motors.
How hot your motors get depends on your motor drivers, supply voltage/current and your motor rating. The first motors I used, those little 400 step NEMA-16 motors were just fine with the Adafruit motorshield because it could drive them nicely at 5 or 6 volts. Using them with the Polarshield (PolargraphSD), or generically with the A4988 stepper drivers (like stepsticks) they turned out a little under-sized. Those stepper drivers are a bit clever-clever, and require a supply voltage of at least 7.5v, and that was at the upper limit of what I was happy putting in those motors. They get quite hot. If the drivers are tuned then they're still very usable, but they do get uncomfortably hot.
The motor drivers on the adafruit motorshields cannot be adjusted, so it's more important to get the right sized motors to fit it.
Long drawing time didn't make much difference for me - it is being locked in one place that really sends the temperature up, rather than continuous use. Continuously, a stepper motor is always chopping the current into little slices - it's never really "full on", but when you stop moving then there are two coils that are full energised, and they heat up. There is a time-out in the firmware that cuts the power after 5 minutes of inactivity.
If you are sourcing your own motors, current rating is the main specification to look at, and it should be less than what your motor drivers are capable of providing. So if you are using a Polarshield, which has A4988 stepper drivers onboard, then you can use a motor that will draw up to around 1A.
If you are using an Adafruit Motorshield v1, then it has L293D H bridge chips as drivers, and they can provide 600mA of current, and so your motors have to draw 600mA or less. Etc.
Voltage isn't that relevant to stepper designs, but I would steer clear of motors listed with very low (less than 6v) or very high (more than 12v) voltage rating.
wanderson is exactly right about the torque requirements too. The only times that torque is really a problem is when the gondola is right up at the top of the machine, and so the two motors are pulling against each other. Can usually be solved by adding a bit of weight to the counterweights to bias it in that direction.
good luck!