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Author Topic: Polargraph on Arduino Nano?
Posts: 1
Post Polargraph on Arduino Nano?
on: November 22, 2017, 09:04

Is it possible to run Polargraph on an Arduino Nano? As far as I can tell, both Uno and Nano are based on an ATmega328. I've been trying to get a1 working on Nano using two a4988 stepper drivers and bipolar modified 28BYJ-48 steppers. I've changed the config in a1 to use this type of stepper driver, as well as changed the pins.
If i connect to a1 using the com monitor It seems that the software is running fine but I don't get any movement on the steppers. I can however move the steppers using a simple sketch with the accelstepper library. Is it possible to manually jog the motors using Gcode or in the controller? Is there any other settings I should modify or will it simply not work on a Nano?

Thanks 🙂

Posts: 33
Post Re: Polargraph on Arduino Nano?
on: November 24, 2017, 16:57

I am using an Arduino Nano with the a1 code and a modified GRBL CNC shield with DRV8825 step drives, so I think your setup should work.

When you start the Polargraph Controller does it say it is connected at the top of the screen?

Also it has a soft interlock - you have to 'unpause' the system by clicking on the line near the top right- CommandQueue: QUEUE PAUSED - click to start

*Running an Arduino Nano reflashed with an Uno bootloader
*Modified knockoff GRBL CNC shield with knockoff DRV8825 step drivers
*400mA -200 step motors set to 16x microstepping
*2mm belt with 36 tooth drive gears
*Machine set to 1500 Max speed and 5000 motor acceleration

*Stock Polargraph Controller to make command queues
*D2S version 2
* on remote Raspberry Pi

Posts: 9
Post Re: Polargraph on Arduino Nano?
on: November 25, 2017, 20:08

This would be great, @Shorn could you share a link to the a1 code you are using? Also how is your shield modified?

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Polargraph on Arduino Nano?
on: November 26, 2017, 12:29

Shorn's right, there's no reason why the code shouldn't work on a nano, it's same kind of processor as the Uno.

It's not clear if the arduino is accepting the commands (but not doing anything), or if the queue is not even being consumed.

There isn't a "jog" as such, but once you've done "set home" you should be able to use "move to point" in the controller to make the motors move. Do remember that you need to do "set home" each time you restart. "Set home" should cause the motors to engage and make a small wriggle.


Posts: 33
Post Re: Polargraph on Arduino Nano?
on: November 26, 2017, 14:03

I am using the most recent and stock Polargraph_a1 code for my Nano--only changes in the code are for my pinouts.

If you can move it outside of the Polargraph software you should be able to move it with the Polargraph Controller. Just make sure you have set the home point, 'unpause' the machine and like Sandy said use the "move to point" feature as a 'jog'.

One change I made to my Nano was to reflash it with the Uno bootloader. I run all my Nanos this way as it frees up precious memory, but I don't think it is necessary for this.

As for the shield, I am using a cheap 'Keyestudio CNC shield' clone I got off Amazon. The problem with it was that the jumpers for setting the microstep configuration were tied to ground (inside the circuit board) and they need to be pulled high to set them. This board error effectively made the microstep jumpers permanently disabled. I removed all the 2 pin headers and hand wired them to enable the micro stepping.


*Running an Arduino Nano reflashed with an Uno bootloader
*Modified knockoff GRBL CNC shield with knockoff DRV8825 step drivers
*400mA -200 step motors set to 16x microstepping
*2mm belt with 36 tooth drive gears
*Machine set to 1500 Max speed and 5000 motor acceleration

*Stock Polargraph Controller to make command queues
*D2S version 2
* on remote Raspberry Pi

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