Hi to you all,
I am new to the forum, but I am already a convinced user of the Polargrpah. I built one to draw fun vectors on shop windows in Lyon (France). It's based on :
- arduino Mega
- Adafruit MotorShiled v2
- Sandy's (and all of you's) awesome code & software
- bits of hardware parts from everywhere, inspired by Der Kritzler / Polargraph / Adafruit / or Makelangelo
- custom made funny gondola (no lift, I am having wiring troubles with my servo motor) with Kapla wood sticks, hand cut plexiglas... See attached picture
Anyway, I am also a big Raspberry Pi enthousiast : this board contains so much awesome in a really portable and open format... You can run so many languages, it's crazy (Unix commands, Java, Python, Go, Pearl, C...). And connectivity is really easy : ethernet is native, wifi / bluetooth / Xbee are just a usb dongle away : internet of things my friends 😉
But, as some of you said, it's hardware capabilities are limited to GPIO.
May be this "Rpi Stepper Motor Shield" could bring some force to the Rpi side... What do you think ?
I am a noob to programming, I just wanted to bring this shield to your attention as I haven't seen it on the forums.
With one question : do you think this shield could bring the Polargraph to a fully Rpi powered stand alone version ? Or do you see limits (because of power, or anything your expertise may tell you).
Great idea - personally I think using those Darlington arrays is a bit primitive. I would base anything new on a proper stepper driver chip.
Gocupi (http://gocupi.com/) is the answer - this is a rather wonderful little add on for the pi, that is technically not remarkable: it includes two nice A3967 drivers, and a little mcu to control them, but more importantly, the gocupi software is really good. Definitely worth investigating, and they have a kickstarter running right now to raise some money for a batch of parts.
I don't know, but I imagine the hardware could easily be replicated by an off-the-shelf arduino / motorshield or EasyDriver combination - that's what their original version was based on, I think.
Gocupi works nice...
you can build it easily using an raspberry pi + arduino + 2 stepper drivers like the schmalzhaus easy drivers. Its quick an simple. But beginners should really go for their rpi shield.
I haven't run the polargraph code an pi yet. But I gess that roving and tracing will take ages at the pi.
The polargraph controller isn't a good match for the pi - it just isn't efficiently written. If nothing else, Processing isn't a great match for the pi.
There was someone else writing about getting it running on the pi though, so it can be done. One major issue is that it needs processing v1.5 rather than the current v2, and v1.5 wasn't available for the ARM chip. Not sure how that was solved.
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