finally had time to set up my new Polargraph! (btw. works like a charm Sandy! Thanks!!)
after A LOT of small scale test-runs in different areas of the drawing area and a lot of theory reading I decided to put together a small Grasshopper Definition (within McNeels Rhinoceros 5.0) to find out the best area on my current set-up and maybe find a better alternative....
Based on Bill Rasmussen's explanations:
as it (obviously) turns out, i should rotate my board by 90deg..... 😉
as I am "kind of" an architect and plan on also doing "precise" drawings I thought it makes basically does the same as Bill Rasmussen's script, but instead of colouring pixels of a bitmap it actually generates points according to real measurements.
Maybe I manage to convert that into the borderlines and draw them with the polargraph on its own day...for now i draw them, print it on a normal plotter and pin it to the board...
As someone else already started a Rhino+Grasshopper threat a while ago I thought it might be useful to others as well:
Grasshopper Definition (not very clean..but it seems to works...):
My current setup in Rhino (not needed for the gh file to run):