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Author Topic: X-axis right, Y-axis too long
Posts: 23
Post X-axis right, Y-axis too long
on: July 12, 2014, 13:22

Okay, now that everything is working, it is time for the tweaking.

I have my page size set to x=457, y=610 (18" x 24"). I sized an image to leave about 25mm border on all sides, and when it was actually plotted, the x-axis size was spot on, but the Y-axis was about 50mm longer than it was supposed to be.

The only configuration parameters I see, should affect both axis, so any suggestions on how to trouble shoot the issue?

Posts: 1317
Post Re: X-axis right, Y-axis too long
on: July 12, 2014, 23:36

Yes there is no scaling factor applied in either axis - in fact it's very very simple, there's no transformation or translation at all, beyond the conversion of the coordinate system itself.

I'm not sure what might be afoot here. From your description, I think you're seeing a rectangular plot, where the vertical lines are parallel and vertical, and the top line is horizontal, and in the place you're expecting it, but the bottom line is 50mm lower down than you expect.

It is not unusual to get distortions, but they are always in two dimensions at once - so the top edge might be perfectly sized, but the rest flares out, or narrows down somehow.

There is a button in the controller for "draw outline box". This fires off five commands to draw a rectangle that matches the select area. I would try and draw a handful of boxes all over the surface, and make sure they all come out regular - parallel and perpendicular lines. I'll have a bit of a think.


Posts: 23
Post Re: X-axis right, Y-axis too long
on: July 14, 2014, 16:17

Okay, here are a couple of screen captures and a photo of the output produced.

I disassembled my polargraph on Friday, and spent Saturday and Sunday painting the board. When I reassembled it on Sunday, the board/software would no longer produce an actual image. Using any of the Render pixel options produces the exact same result (shown in third pic). Essentially straight lines.

Comparing the screen capture of the finished page and the picture of the produced image also shows that the horizontal dimension is about right (compared to the page size set), but that the image is longer than it appears on the the finished page screen capture.


Posts: 1317
Post Re: X-axis right, Y-axis too long
on: July 14, 2014, 23:01

Thanks for the pics - very helpful.

Two issues that are separate I think. The first one is the geometry, and though it is about right at the top of the drawing, the panel gets more narrow towards the bottom, and that's a sign your calibration is slightly off. This kind of pattern usually indicates that your home point is higher up than the machine thinks it is. You could try moving it down a couple of centimetres and see if it improves.

When you have selected your drawing area, click "draw outline box" to draw a quick outline of that area. A lot faster than drawing the whole picture.

You may find tweaking the home point position solves your geometry problem, or just moves it. I know you've probably done all this, but it's worth reminding:

The top edge of the machine is the axis between the centres of the two motor shafts, and the machine width is the distance between the two sprockets at their closest point (on the same axis as the top edge).

The second issue is the pixel density - or lack thereof. Two things: When you hit "render pixel", check to make sure that all the pixel commands you see appear in the command queue have plausible brightness values. Square wave pixel commands are C05, and take the form:

C05,<a position>,<b position>,<pixel size>,<brightness>,END

so the black pixels will have a brightness of 0, the white pixels will have a brightness of 255. That's just as a sanity check to make sure you're actually sending the meaningful commands.

The other is to check and double-check that you are sending the "set pen width" command before each drawing. 25 is quite small as a grid size, but even a 0.8mm pen should be able to render some detail in the darkest pixels.

I've had a few reports of this kind of problem that have resisted the usual troubleshooting, I've even had them before. But I'm not clear at all about what is the cause, if it anything more than absent-mindedness (certainly in my case that's the most likely culprit).

A pen width test may help.


Posts: 23
Post Re: X-axis right, Y-axis too long
on: July 15, 2014, 01:22


Thanks for the help. I must of missed the part about sending the pen width, I hadn't been doing that. In fact I am amazed it ever worked for me!

I was wrong about the machine width. I know how you defined it in the instructable; however, I decided to limit it to the width of my board, not counting for the 'wings' that I mounted the motors on.

As to the home point, I am using a point now that is about 25mm lower; however, the original (shown by the top edge of the black area) is 120mm below the centerline of the motor shafts.

Again, thanks for the help. It is now working again! Now I just need to find some chalk and see how it works with the black board surface!

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