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Author Topic: Controller application 1.6x on Windows 8
Posts: 33
Post Controller application 1.6x on Windows 8
on: May 7, 2013, 05:53


I started upgrading my system to 1.6.2 yesterday.. Obviously because of my firmware mods, it's more than just flashing the unit with the new software.

However my biggest headache is getting the controller to work on Win8.
- I have the latest JRE installed
- 1.2.5 works fine
- 1.6.2 starts the javaw host process, but does not open any window. A defaultproperties.txt file is created.
- No window or error message is presented.
- 1.6.2 works fine on my Win7 64bit work machine.

Have you seen this before?

I thought I would try and run it from the source, but that wouldn't compile either. I have since learned that the Processing 2.x distribution I downloaded isn't suitable for this application, and am downloading the latest stable version instead.

BTW, I have not made changes to the controller (yet), but the controller 1.2.5 connects to the modified 1.6.2 firmware fine... I am still to work out some of the porting issues... Maybe I'll flash a stock firmware just to test out the new functionality...

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Controller application 1.6x on Windows 8
on: May 7, 2013, 12:04

Yep, I've seen that, not figured out what exactly the issue is, but in my fresh installed win8 64bit system then it did that. Created the props file, but did nothing else. I assume any errors are being swallowed up inside the javaw / processing app process.

It started working with my unbranded webcams when I put quicktime and WinVDIG 1.0.5 on. But with my logitech webcams, nothing works.

The new features in the controller are the webcam stuff and the pen lift height setting. Either version of firmware or controller should work with pretty much any other version of firmware or controller.

It's clear to me that the webcam functionality built in in the standard libraries in processing aren't up to scratch, so I've just committed a couple of changes to the git repo ( that remove those libraries, and I'll work on getting it to use the loaded bitmap image as the source instead of the webcam. So it will still do vector tracing (because that bit is kinda neat), but not live stuff. It should be reasonably easy to revert if anybody wants webcam back, and in time I'll figure out a better way of doing it. I'm pretty keen not to start branching.

In the meantime, the non-webcam code is in the repo, check it out and have a look if you want to. It's a bit untidy, but it'll run at least.

Wrt your custom mods - I'm not sure what changes you have exactly, but if you come up with a way of bundling your changes up into a separate file (like a config), I am happy to look at changing the structure to make it more open to adaptation.


Posts: 33
Post Re: Controller application 1.6x on Windows 8
on: May 7, 2013, 15:41

Did you try to run it from source on the Win8 machine? I set up processing 1.5.x on my work machine and I noticed that it shows some diagnostics messages... Or at least dumps out exception data. But it compiles, which makes me very happy 🙂

Another thing I might look into (on the chance that the software, with your no-camera patch still doesn't run) is to put some status logging in or something.. It's been over a decade since I programmed Java, so as you can imagine, I'm rusty - and of course I have never heard of processing before I came across your polargraph! Gives me an excuse to learn it, I suppose..

Man, I've just started getting used to Win8... I have to learn it for work... But it gives me the shits like you wouldn't believe... The hoops you have to jump through to get the arduino serial drivers installed for example..

The mods are mostly setup, and I put polling / update logic in the serial read area. The more involved things are:
- Pause (because I reference it in a few places)
- Ready / Busy (that's in a few places too)
- SD (I modified the SD library to expose a few private members... Dirty, but it allows me to re-initialise the SD card without having to reset the arduino.)
- Serial comms (I used to have BT on serial3, but I tapped it into serial0 this time around, so that it doesn't need any code mods to support - just some tails soldered to my motorshield)

Your comms speed enhancements are brilliant though... It's as fast as an SD card, and works great over BT.

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Controller application 1.6x on Windows 8
on: May 8, 2013, 09:55

It must have been the compiled version that I tried (32 bit because of 32 bit java installed), because otherwise I would have been able to look at the errors as they happened.

I'd never bothered putting logging stuff in because I'd assumed everyone would be running from source, and would therefore have the processing console available to them, but most people seem to run the app externally now.

I'm a bit disappointed in win8 - I was very much on board, I think it looks cool and everything, but it's just been a bit flakey. I just reinstalled this week it on my desktop machine, and that's only four months after replacing my win7 installation that had been running solidly for the last two years. Github completely stopped working, chrome was misbehaving, and wouldn't work from one user account. Just weird, unexpected stuff. The unsigned drivers thing is slightly comical.

Re SD, I think there might be a smarter way of doing the SD stuff, like a different library. I'm leaning back towards the idea of using a GRBL-based firmware to get lookahead and command buffering, and so I'll look at how the 3d printer firmwares (sprinter or marlin) do SD re-initialisation. However, I've been here before, and recoiled at the complexity of grbl then too.

Speed fix - there's a delay in the serial comms receiver, and it was long. Now it's short! I tried to get rid of it entirely, but that caused big problems corrupting the incoming messages. I might be imagining it, but it seems fast on some setups, but not on others. On my little DRBO at home, it's lightning, on the big machine at the studio, I don't notice much improvement. Must be weaker electricity there....


Posts: 1
Post Re: Controller application 1.6x on Windows 8
on: February 9, 2014, 22:43

hi, I was getting this problem on win 7 also.

I fixed it by renaming the default config file:

then re-running the controller exe

I can't say why my config was corrupted, but i heavily suspect it was because I restored the config by downloading it from the arduino after an OS reinstall, perhaps there was a software version mismatch etc.

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Controller application 1.6x on Windows 8
on: February 9, 2014, 23:59

Hello, welcome 🙂 What was the properties file called if not The time I got this, I eventually concluded that I was running a wrong bit-sized executable. So I was running a 32bit executable on a system with 64 bit java, or (more likely) a 64 bit executable on a system with 32 bit java installed. That still happens, even now. I didn't ever put 64bit java on because I heard it was still pretty flakey (when this thread started), and learned that the executable has to match the bitness of the target JRE rather than the bitness of the computer or the OS.


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