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Author Topic: Disable/unlock motors
Posts: 2
Post Disable/unlock motors
on: September 6, 2012, 14:51

Just wondering: is there any command / key-mapping in the controller that disables/unlocks the stepper motors? Set home enables/locks them, but once they are locked it is difficult to move the gondola if needed.


Posts: 1317
Post Re: Disable/unlock motors
on: September 8, 2012, 22:53

Right, there isn't a function to turn off the motors - the main reason for it is I could never get it working! Can turn the motors off using the AF_Motor interface ok, but I couldn't ever figure out how to do it through the Accelstepper wrapper.

What would you use it for - I mean what part of the workflow would you use it in?

sandy noble

Posts: 2
Post Re: Disable/unlock motors
on: September 11, 2012, 13:12

Hi Sandy,

Thanks for confirming this. In my workflow, I'd like to manually position the gondola exactly on the home spot that I've drawn on the board, tension the cords by hand and then press the set home button in the controller. It's a easier to the move the gondola when the motors are disengaged. Also, positioning the gondola is more precise that way (sub-"ball distance" positioning).

Ideally, one would position by hand only once, engage the motors and leave it at that, using the controller from then on, but in practice I sometimes encounter runaways, skips, etc. and repositioning is required. With the motors engaged that's currently a bit of a hassle.

A keyboard command (comparable to ~ and # for pen lift) would be nice, even if it only works for the AF_Motor interface.


Posts: 9
Carlos Werberich
Post Re: Disable/unlock motors
on: February 25, 2015, 14:26

Hi guys!

Sorry if this is an old post but it also applies to me. As mentioned by lennart sometimes it's good to have the option to unlock the motors in order to adjust the gondola position or even to extend the motor's life avoiding overheating. As Sandy said, it's not possible to do that using AccellSteper library. I had a similar issue a time ago when building a little CNC. and the solution was to physically cut the power using a relay. Of course, this approach makes the circuit a little more complex but I think it's a good solution for our case. It also depends on what kind of shield or drivers you are using to control the motors.

My suggestion (and will try it later by myself) is to use a physical pushbutton or a button on controller program that tells to Arduino to toggle on/off a pin that is connected to a transistor that controls a relay; and this relay connects external power source to motor shield. It'd require at least a minor change on arduino firmware. I intend to try it some day after finish other issues in my machine.

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