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Author Topic: Gone On Strike!
Posts: 2
Post Gone On Strike!
on: January 15, 2014, 22:42

Seems my new set up has turned against drawing vector images. I had it working just fine the other day and all looked promising. It still produces images from jpeg images OK. Following loading a SVG vector, moving and resizing, defining then 'draw vector' it runs through the queue PDQ but the motors just stay still. I am not sure how I managed to get it to run the other day but I must be doing something wrong. On another issue I have just attached a servo to the board and that doesn't work as yet. The wires on the servo are brown red and orange. Do you think it should it be attached with the brown on the left and connected to the header in the top left of the board?
The setup I am using is:
Macbook Pro
Mac OS X 10.7.5
Processing 1.5.1
Arduino 1.0.4
Polargraph Controller 1.7 -1.6
Any thoughts on the setup or where I might be going wrong would be appreciated. Its still all a bit new to me! Once again many thanks.

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Gone On Strike!
on: January 15, 2014, 23:49

I knew unionising polargraph machines was a bad idea.

My first guess is that if you press ctrl-c in the controller, you'll see lots of vector commands being sent, but lots of error responses from the machine - saying something like "this line wasn't on the page, skipping it". There's two reasons this might happen. First is that the point you've tried to draw to is not on the machine. This happens if your controller thinks the surface is a different size than the machine thinks it is.

The second reason is when the target point _is_ on the surface, but the start point is off. This is almost always the case in the period prior to your "set home" because when you first turn your machine on, the default position of the pen is an impossible, and definitely not on the board.

In the first case, the solution is to synchronise your machine and controller specs, either upload your spec from the controller (if it is correct), or download the spec from the machine to the controller (if that is correct).

In the second case, the solution is to do "set home" to make sure the machine thinks the pen is actually on the surface.

The last thing I can think of sounds a bit daft but.. are the motors turned on? Unless you energise them with a "set home" or by tapping the "motor on" panel on the touchscreen, moves will be processed properly (ie no errors), but result in no move.


Posts: 1317
Post Re: Gone On Strike!
on: January 16, 2014, 00:04

Rob I've just realised you haven't got a polarshield, so assume you have an adafruit motorshield. I can't remember which way around the pins are, but it's marked on the board itself, probably S (signal), + (supply) and - (ground). Also google tells me:

Signal: Orange
Supply+: Red
Ground: Brown

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