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Author Topic: New command - signal on finish
Posts: 5
Post New command - signal on finish
on: August 27, 2012, 21:54

Hi Sandy!
I think that it will be very useful to add a new function (command) in your polargraph. A command that turns ON some new (not using) port on Arduino when queue finished . For example we put some relay on this port, and after finishing of drawing this relay switch on some indicator or some bell or give an impulse to another relay that turns of the power of polargraph.
I suppose that this feature is not difficult for you, bat it is very great and useful!

Posts: 1317
Post Re: New command - signal on finish
on: August 28, 2012, 23:20

It's not such a problem to add the feature, it's more of an issue to take it out in the future if I ever decide I need that pin for something else, and I've got to break that pin out on the polarshield too. That said, it might be a good idea to have some kind of scriptable "event" that the machine can be told to trigger, to fire off an email, or take a photo or something.

The motor supply itself already has a power timeout, if that's any use to you?

The variables in polargraph_server_mega:

long motorIdleTimeBeforePowerDown = 600000L;
boolean automaticPowerDown = true;

The first is the number of milliseconds before the motors go to sleep, so change it if you like. That said, I've just remembered - I think the "release" doesn't work on adafruit shields. I don't have one right rigged up here to test on.


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