I Agree with Kongorilla. You are a master!
1) Before you write to you, I studied the behaviour of the controller, and I realized that, so I tried adding the code you mention directly to the file, without success. I will continue trying. Print from SD card is a great feature, I use it in all my 3d prints. Faster and secure, without hardware attached.
Im using http://reprap.org/wiki/RepRapDiscount_Full_Graphic_Smart_Controller
Just set #define FEATURE_CONTROLLER from 0 to 11
and in our case: #define UI_LANGUAGE 0 (english)
Home it manually, plug the SD, press the encoder and you are now drawing!
There would be another option: use only a SD breakout like this:
And then just "print from card" from a button in the controller.
2) To avoid your EEPROM issue, I suggest to change to 0 this
#define EEPROM_MODE 0
In your version 0.5 is set to 1.
3) There is a feature to consider: change the start and finish point degre of the servo arm. I changed them hacking your code at:
void sendPenUp()
send("G4 P250\n");
// send("M340 P3 S2350\n");
send("M340 P3 S1300\n"); // my servo value
send("G4 P250\n");
and the same for sendPenDown() with its specific value.
Thank you very much!!!