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Author Topic: Setting up an SD card reader in firmware for the UNO?
Posts: 10
Post Setting up an SD card reader in firmware for the UNO?
on: October 10, 2017, 01:48


I believe the functions of running a file off an SD card are removed for the Uno firmware? At least that is what the Github seems to me.

Would it be hard for a novice to get the firmware to run with an SD card reader? Is it a memory issue?

I've looked at the pinouts and see an SD reader can use:

CS Pin 10
MOSI Pin 11
MISO pin 12
SCK Pin 13

I have a couple SD reader boards from my 3D printer tinkering.

Jumping ahead:

I have a Bluetooth HC 05 board. Would the firmware just work via the serial RX/TX Pin 1 and 2? or would I need to add code?

My goal would be to use an android tablet or phone via Bluetooth, to run, pause, test, etc.

Thanks for your excellent work Sandy!

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Setting up an SD card reader in firmware for the UNO?
on: October 10, 2017, 23:00

Hi, yes you guessed right: There isn't enough room on an UNO for Polargraph AND SD card libraries.

I have tried wireless transmission to Polargraph boards before - it was with a zigbee, but it was connected up in exactly the way that you describe. Simply connected the RX/TX of the zigbee to the TX/RX of the arduino (1, 2). Didn't have to add any extra code - but I did have to deal with a few weird things like the startup sequence. I also think I remember having to make the communication protocol a lot more tolerant of errors or interference because the serial port frequently got corrupted. That might have been when I added the checksum to the command.

That checksum has since been removed because it's not necessary for direct wired comms.

Certainly worth a try. I was surprised how easily it worked to be honest, but it was never completely stable.


Posts: 10
Post Re: Setting up an SD card reader in firmware for the UNO?
on: October 11, 2017, 04:28

Thanks Sandt for your great work!

I have an HC-05, I'm trying to get configured now. I wasn't as much thinking sending the GCODE to the Uno, Just maybe, start, pause. Home. etc. Impress people as you start the drawing from across the room with your phone:-)


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