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Author Topic: CMYK Pens
Posts: 8
Post CMYK Pens
on: June 28, 2012, 18:13

Hi dear all,

I just wanted to share something with you. After a long search i finally found Fineline Pens which are availible in Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. I ordered 5 of each color and looking forward to get them. The only thing i say is:
Color Photograph Polargraph Drawings....
I will keep you updated!

By the Way here is a Link to the Website (it's german, i don't even know if they are availible outside Germany):
Colorcodes are:
37 Cyan
20 Magenta
1 Yellow
9 Black

Maybe some guys of you are as excited as I am.
By the Way sorry for my bad english. 😕 😉


Posts: 362
Post Re: CMYK Pens
on: June 28, 2012, 20:27

Hi Stephan,
Here's an attempt at a CYMK image I did a while back, but I didn't have a Y color (the pen set came with an "O" instead - orange). It's a small image and registration was a bit off:
Doggy Diner - 4 Color Printing 1st Attempt

I later did the same image with Sharpie pens that were closer to true CYMK, but I didn't bother posting it because I ended up preferring the look of the "wrong" colors, at least for that particular image.

This Mario image uses only blue and red, but I was pleased at how effective it was. It's possible the bad registration may have actually helped bring out the color a little on this one.
Mario on Polargraph Board

I look forward to seeing your efforts! Not enough people are posting pictures.

Posts: 1317
Post Re: CMYK Pens
on: June 28, 2012, 22:27

I think the mario one is really good - you're probably right that perfect registration might not be good because the lines might end up exactly on top of each other and the vibrancy of the component colours gets lost.

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