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Author Topic: Death 2 Sharpie 1st go
Posts: 4
Post Re: Death 2 Sharpie 1st go
on: October 12, 2017, 19:01

Key Bindings:

Key Description
r Rotate drawing
[ Zoom in
] Zoom out
\ Reset drawing zoom, offset and rotation
O Display original image (capital letter)
o Display image to be drawn after pre-processing (lower case letter)
l Display image after the path finding module has manipulated it
d Display drawing with all pens
Q Display drawing, pen 0 only
W Display drawing, pen 1 only
E Display drawing, pen 2 only
R Display drawing, pen 3 only
T Display drawing, pen 4 only
Y Display drawing, pen 5 only
S Stop path finding prematurely
Esc Exit running program
< Decrease the total number of lines drawn
> Increase the total number of lines drawn
G Generate GCode with lines as displayed
t Redistribute percentage of lines drawn by each pen evenly
y Redistribute 100% of lines drawn to pen 0 ( Black/White/Sharpie )
9 Change distribution of lines drawn (lighten)
0 Change distribution of lines drawn (darken)
1 Increase percentage of lines drawn by pen 0
2 Increase percentage of lines drawn by pen 1
3 Increase percentage of lines drawn by pen 2
4 Increase percentage of lines drawn by pen 3
5 Increase percentage of lines drawn by pen 4
6 Increase percentage of lines drawn by pen 5
shift 0 Decrease percentage of lines drawn by pen 0
shift 1 Decrease percentage of lines drawn by pen 1
shift 2 Decrease percentage of lines drawn by pen 2
shift 3 Decrease percentage of lines drawn by pen 3
shift 4 Decrease percentage of lines drawn by pen 4
shift 5 Decrease percentage of lines drawn by pen 5
{ Change Copic marker sets, increment
} Change Copic marker sets, decrement

Quote from westech on October 11, 2017, 23:26
Quick help.

So I installed, I downloaded both the original

Drawbot_image_to_gcode_v2 Master



With the first one I can select a jpg and it draws it on the screen, but I don't see any output file? gcode, svg, or pdf.

How do I get it to save the file?

If I want it to stop the rendering part way through can I stop it? (I find a simpler version half way drawn to be more appealing).


Posts: 12
Post Re: Death 2 Sharpie 1st go
on: January 21, 2018, 18:39

I have capital G bringing up a grid and lower case g generating the output.

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