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Author Topic: How to render full color
Posts: 18
Post How to render full color
on: July 18, 2012, 16:46

Just saw that a few on here have been doing full color images using CMYK channel processing. Im curious to what you guys are using in particular to break the images up into the different color channels. If i recall correctly that Photoshop can be used but the file extensions aren't able to be recognized by the controller software. Any help in this area would be greatly appreciate as I would like to start working full color prints. Cheers!

Posts: 362
Post Re: How to render full color
on: July 18, 2012, 19:25

Save the separate channels as individual JPGs or PNGs. In case anyone needs a step-by-step:

1. In Photoshop, if necessary, convert your image from RGB to CYMK color mode. (Image/Mode>CYMK color)

2. Go to the channels tab (by default, it's a tab on the same window as Layers and Paths, at least it is in my ancient version of Photoshop).

3. You'll see separate channels for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. Right-click Cyan, select Duplicate Channel. In the dialog that pops up, change the Document field to 'New' and give the file a name that makes sense to you (MyPicture_Cyan.jpg).

4. Save the Cyan file, and make similar files for Magenta, Yellow, and Black.

Posts: 16
Post Re: How to render full color
on: August 24, 2012, 14:06

In newer versions (at least CS4, maybe earlier?) convert the image to CMYK > Channels tab > Channel Drop down menu (not right click on the channel, btu the actual drop down) > Split Channels. It will open 4 new images, each a seperate channel. Take a look at the file names. If the original is 123.jpg, the resulting files will be 123_C.jpg, 123_M.jpg, 123_Y.jpg, 123_K.jpg.

It took me a while to figure this out, so I'm sharing and hoping to save someone else the trouble!

When you guys print four color, do you run the exact same drawing direction for all four colors, or start drawing from a different corner each time?


Posts: 1317
Post Re: How to render full color
on: August 24, 2012, 15:34

Good tip Josh, I had a feeling there was a "proper" way to do it 🙂

The only multi colour drawings I've done were before the days of being able to draw from different corners, so it was all from the same corner. Bear in mind though that once it's finished, there no difference between a drawing that starts in the top-left and one that starts in the bottom-right. I have a feeling that drawing from the bottom corners is broken at the moment - I think that's why I never fixed it. It sounds like a good excuse anyway...

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