I was inspired after looking through the drawbots gallery on flickr, where I noticed a white-on-black vector drawing, and the lunar lander installation had used white on black colour combinations. I thought they looked really eye-catching, but I hadn't seen any 'regular' polargraph images attempted. I took the steps below and the results look fairly promising.
1. Get source image, and convert to grayscale, increasing contrast as necessary.
2. In photoshop, invert the image, making the white parts of the picture dark, and vice versa.
3. Plot on the polargraph using a white Gel pen on a black paper.
The results are nice - It's a small print, and I doubled the print at grid size 12 and 7 starting at different corner points. You still have to be a fair distance away to resolve the image, but I'll try again and plot a larger image with more range of contrast. (The starting image was very orange)
I'm presuming this will also work with the gold and silver gel pens just as well?