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Author Topic: First Attempt
Posts: 4
Post First Attempt
on: November 25, 2012, 19:01

Here is my Polargraph setup - guess I am going to try moving motors in a little as difficulty moving pen to my original homepoint, otherwise
seems ok.
For first drawing used ballpoint pen with setting 0.25, however although the outcome was disappointing the actual process is fascinating
Original greyscale png image resolution was 240 ppi which I resized in the controller to fit A4 sheet - drawing time was around 6 hours, next time maybe something simpler!
Controller settings:
Bright Pixel - 0
Grid Size - 37
Sample Area -1
Pixel Scaling 1
Render Pixels - Default Variable Frequency square wave

The gondola seemed to wobble around (but looking at other posts i can see that this can be improved by addition of some weights) and the servo fell of a couple of times (guess I will stick permanently to the gondola?)
I didn't use any of the Draw options (Box, Row, Pixels) as I cant fathom what they do. Can anyone advise where I am going wrong??


Posts: 1317
Post Re: First Attempt
on: November 26, 2012, 10:21

Hi, wobbly gondola, and the indistinct wavey lines that come from that are (in my experience) because of a pen sticking out too far. I only have 2 mm protrude from the face of the gondola. Weight will help stabilise everything in almost every case, but that kind of wobble won't be fixed by it. Pull the pen in a little, see if that makes any difference.

There is another problem in your drawing though, and it looks like your left-to-right calibration isn't quite right - the drawing is swerving off to the right-hand-side as it goes on. That's probably just a calibration / home point thing.

In the middle you've got two rows which are doubled-up, drawn on top of each other. Did that happen on it's own, or is it something you did?

good stuff!

Posts: 4
Post Re: First Attempt
on: November 26, 2012, 22:53

Thanks for the info

Can you advise if image resolution and resultant pixel quality has an effect on the outcome of the line as well?

I think that the doubling up of the rows occured when the servo fell off the gondola and I had to pause the programme

Anyway onwards and upwards

Posts: 1317
Post Re: First Attempt
on: November 26, 2012, 23:39

Right the swerve off to the side might just be an artefact of the restart in the middle then - probably nothing to worry about. The resolution of the input image has no bearing on the output quality, and the grid size ("output resolution") has no bearing on the quality of the lines. All of the square pixel styles should consist of a square wave with sharp corners, flat sides.

The width of each row should mean there are no gaps in between rows - the gaps and the sawtooth pattern you are seeing are just the product of the wobbly gondola - the gondola pivots around the pen tip, so any changes in direction aren't properly expressed.

Oh right the other things, draw box, row, pixels:
- draw box: this just draws the rectangle of your selection area. Good for checking squareness and extent.
- draw rows: This is means to draw a grid of all the rows you have selected. I think I remember this not working very well.
- draw pixels: This draws the outline of each pixel that you currently have selected.


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