So we ran some brushes through the machine today with very simple vectors, I didn't bother to take pictures.
We're shooting for a very large installation so we're looking for some width at the top end. I snagged this set of brushes:
and this ink:
I used the pen on the left and had very pleasing results, I have yet to 'endurance test' it though, at what point does ink stop wicking, etc. There is some line variation, of course, but no dripping.
Soon I'll be testing with the new features that allow us to set pen-up stepper a bit to try to get some intentional line width variation.
We also grabbed a cheapo pen like this:
that's wide and not pointed and got some ok results, though wicking was already a problem (the pen is designed to be squeezed).
I think I'm going to have to design a new gondola however. Looking at Seb's lunar landar gondola is a huge inspiration. My goals are allow a better range of pen width without shimming, better control over pen-up/pen-down, potentially an angled pen 'attack' (for ink flow), and potentially a spring loaded system to handle 'crayon' type media (paint sticks, etc)