Hi woodpecker, thank you, that's very kind of you! The controller does it exactly as you guessed, the servo lifts the pen off the page at the end of each path and then does a fast move to the start of the next path.
You might be able to see it in your queue once you've generated the commands. C13 and C14 commands are used to raise/lower the pen tip. C01 commands are the ones that do a fast move, ad C17 commands are the ones that do the straight lines. So it usually looks something like:
C14,END (pen up)
C01,4000,2345,END (move to start point)
C13,END (pen down)
C17,4030,2305,2,END (draw straight line to next point)
C17,4040,2325,2,END (etc)
C14,END (pen up)
C01,2045,4873,END (fast move to start of next path)
and so on.