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Author Topic: Controller Software - No Image when trying to load
Posts: 9
Post Controller Software - No Image when trying to load
on: March 15, 2013, 23:46

Newbie here, but have a decent idea on what's going on with the polargraph. I am connected and the gondola seems to track correctly using the Move Pen to Point command. However, I can't seem to load an image or vector file. I can navigate to find a file through the new dialog window, but after I click on my file, the controller software does not load the file into the preview space.

Any ideas?


Posts: 362
Post Re: Controller Software - No Image when trying to load
on: March 16, 2013, 03:13

If you click "move image" does the image appear (attached to your cursor)?

Posts: 9
Post Re: Controller Software - No Image when trying to load
on: March 16, 2013, 03:39

Got the image to work. I realized I was using an image with a 300 ppi resolution and simply did not load my cursor with the preview image. I resaved the image file with a 150 ppi resolution and brought it into the controller app no problem. I am running the controller from an older Macbook Pro and throws on the computer fans at full bore during the whole scribble.

I have a first generation Intel Xeon Mac Pro, which gives me Controller app problems. The app is clickable in the dock, but does not open into the interface. The main window appears to be hidden because the app looks open and full functioning, simply by looking at the dock icon...though there is nothing to control (the window is completely missing). I have tried rebooting and reinstalling the app, neither fixed the symptom. Any ideas from you Mac Junkies? Maybe zap the PRAM?

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Controller Software - No Image when trying to load
on: March 16, 2013, 11:24

Zap the PRAM!? Think of the children! Sorry that was unhelpful, I don't really have much insight into the mac stuff, I just use Processing's "export app" and I'm sure it isn't necessarily very optimised. Actually I know the whole controller is a bit of a resource hog and I've been putting off dealing with it. It doesn't actually do an awful lot on it's own, but I think the problem is that it's constantly redrawing - I need a smarter way of doing that. HTML5 is the natural next step.

My only suggestion would be to try running from source, see if being a native app allows the OS to make any more sense of it. Wee bit of a pain to set up (Processing and then libraries), but not difficult.

Re the image importing, they're pulled in as pure pixels, no dpi data, so I guess it was just taking a looong time to load? Really big SVGs can take a long time to load too, and unfortunately there's no indication about whether the application is working away, or whether it's just fallen over dead and rolled into a ditch.

Posts: 9
Post Re: Controller Software - No Image when trying to load
on: March 16, 2013, 22:18

haha, thanks for the response, Sandy! All of what you say makes sense, I will see what I can do.

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