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Author Topic: Grid Gaps
Posts: 7
Post Grid Gaps
on: July 1, 2012, 22:10

Has anybody noticed this problem with grid spacing? Some of the rows have a small blank space between them. This seems to consistently happen between groups of two rows. I'm very careful about homing and haven't noticed any other calibration errors that would stem from it, so I think it must be something else. Is it a grid size issue?

For this setup my grid size was 60 and my pen size was 0.2.

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Grid Gaps
on: July 1, 2012, 23:01

Hi there, great to see you on here! I know exactly the problem - I've had it lots of times before. The finer the pen, the more likely you are to notice it.


It is to do with the gondola pivoting around on the tip of the pen - basically the tip not being moved equally in all directions by the movement of the gondola.

If you notice, the corners of your waves aren't very sharp, or square - one corner is sharp, but the trailing corner is degraded. This is a symptom of the same thing.

There's two things you can do if you don't love the effect - first is to reduce the distance that your pen tip sticks out of the gondola, so there's less "slack" to take up during direction changes, before the tip follows the movement. If you move it too far in, then the tip ends up lifting off the page entirely, at certain points on the page, levered off by the stabiliser ring. Like almost everything with this machine, there's a sweet spot to be found.

The second way is to add a bit of extra weight to your gondola so it all hangs a bit more tautly. I used to do this a lot, but got out the habit actually. Just a bag of nuts or bolts taped to the pen lift servo motor (or some other likely bit). This just encourages the physical machine more closely to match the mathematical model. Problem with this is when you start adding weight to one bit, you've got to start adding it other places too (the counterweights), and then slowing things down so it doesn't drop steps, and so on. Again, there's a sweet spot.

Hope that's helpful!

Posts: 7
Post Re: Grid Gaps
on: July 2, 2012, 00:15

Hi Sandy! Yea, I finally got everything working last night and it's been drawing nonstop since!

That bit about the uneven motion makes sense, my square waves have a rounded corner and I was wondering about that as well. It's funny how one motor causes that behavior and the other one doesn't. But yes, since I've got it up and running I've learned that there are a lot of quirks to discover.

I'll try adding a bit more weight on the gondola and post the results for the future reader who experiences the same problem. One thing to note, it took a lot of effort to get the gondola to lay flush against the page, it naturally wanted to lean out by about 30 degrees. I've been adding weight to the end of the pen to even it out, but I think having a mass that far off the surface makes the gondola extra wobbly.

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Grid Gaps
on: July 2, 2012, 01:07

It isn't so much that one motor behaves differently to the other, it's more thatthe pen tip behaves differently when it's being pulled by the motor, than when it's being pulled by gravity. So the sharp corners are where the cord is being pulled actively, upwards, and the rounded corners are where you're relying on gravily pulling as sharply downwards.

Pulling upwards requires a lighter touch, because on a sloped surface, you have less pen-tip friction to overcome, whereas gravity pulling the gondola downwards is also pressing it more firmly into the paper. I think that's why downward strokes will always be a bit more "sticky" than upward strokes.

Regarding your non-flush gondola, I guess you must have a lightweight pen? You should maybe check the gondola is assembled with the cords inline with the middle bearing. It is possible to assemble it a few different ways - there isn't really a right or a wrong way, only a best way for a particular weight of pen. The further the control cords are from the pen tip, the more wobble you'll get.

Let us know how you get on!


Posts: 7
Post Re: Grid Gaps
on: July 4, 2012, 10:12

Yeah, turns out my gondola wasn't assembled correctly. I had the ropes centered on the wrong bearing. The arms that the rope attach to have a subtle difference in how far they stick out that I didn't notice. I adjusted it and everything is much better now. Thanks!

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Grid Gaps
on: July 5, 2012, 09:48

Looking good!


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