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Author Topic: How to ask for help
Posts: 1317
Post How to ask for help
on: January 21, 2016, 19:38

There's lots of different ways of making a Polargraph machine. You will get better help if you can describe your machine.

What kind of microcontroller you have (eg arduino UNO / MEGA)
What kind of motor driver you have (eg Adafruit Motor shield v1, Adafruit motor shield v2, Polarshield)
Which firmware you're using (where you got it from, what version)
Which controller you're using (where you got it from, what version)

It might also be helpful to mention what your motors are like (steps per revolution or step size).

Tell us what you have done (step by step).
What you expected to happen.
What actually happened.

Start a new thread for your troubleshooting session, and continue that thread until you have got a working machine. Each time you solve a part of your problem, update the thread so other people can benefit from your experience. This helps us know that we are helping too!


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