I received my Polargraph SD kit recently and finally had time this weekend to put the things together. Everything went together smoothly. I measured out my machine (810mm wide, 1072 high), put this information into the controller, and uploaded it to the machine. The console said that it had received the information. Next, i set the home point, which was fine.
This is where it all went haywire, I tried the "move pen to point" function, and all that managed to do was move it a little bit lower, and to the left. Thinking this was a bit strange, I tried a few other points as well - I realised the drawing area was very small.
To test this, I loaded a SVG of a rectangle a bit smaller than my paper. The attached image is what it drew. As you can see, it's a bit trapezoid, and it is definitely way smaller than my actual paper (I've marked out the shape in red here, apologies for the blurry photograph).
I checked the power supply, and that seems to be working fine, in the right polarity, with the right tip. Changing this around did not help at all, so I'm at a loss as to what has happened. Really hoping someone can help me, and that it's just a newbie error somewhere!
Thanks in advance,