Ah, well there is the issue I guess, it's old firmware, and the wrong firmware. Sorry I'd assumed it was an uno you were using because you'd loaded the uno firmware. So, what kind of board are you using, what version of firmware are you using, what's the name of the firmware, where did you get it from, did you compile it from source or upload a hex file, what kind of motorshield are you using, and what guide have you followed to get it installed?
Right, yes, polargraph_server_a1 is the firmware for an uno. If you are using a mega, with an adafruit motorshield, then you should be using polargraph_server_mega. If you are using a mega with a polarshield, then you should be using polargraph_server_polarshield. All of the most recent versions of these can be found in the most recent zip in the downloads bit of the google code project.
The machine no longer gives an ACK, where did you get the firmware for it from? I'm trying to track down and fix old links 🙂
If you are using an Adafruit motorshield, then you can try the example arduino sketches that Adafruit have written to test it - http://www.adafruit.com/products/81. That will confirm whether it works at all. It certainly looks like comms are working ok, so that's one thing you don't have to worry about though.