Hullo, you've got most the way at least 🙂
I knew this issue would come up as soon as the new screens meant adding configuration to the code, which is why I put it off as long as possible, because it meant making some decent documentation (obviously UNACCEPTABLE).
Hopefully, the issue is the screen type. In polargraph_server_polarshield.ino, after the first section of comments, there is a couple of #defines that control what kind of LCD driver to use:
//Uncomment the following line to use a 2.4" panel
#define LCD_TYPE ITDB24E_8
//Uncomment the following line to use a 2.2" panel
//#define LCD_TYPE ITDB22
//Uncomment the following line to use a ElecFreaks 2.2" panel
//#define LCD_TYPE CTE22
It is set up to use the 2.4" screen by default, so comment out the line ending in ITDB24E_8, and remove the comment slashes from the line ending in ITDB22.
The other thing you might want to do check is that you've got the calibration file in the right place (with the right contents). The calibration file is part of the UTouch library, and is usually libraries/UTouch/UTouchCD.h, and it should have a couple of #defines in it too. The values are slightly different for the 2.4 vs 2.2, but the three lines to copy in are also in that commented header block:
#define CAL_X 0x039281CCUL
#define CAL_Y 0x03A2C1DEUL
#define CAL_S 0x000AF0DBUL
Hopefully those are your issues, if not, shout again 🙂
Question for you: Where would you expect to find this information? One of the reasons I haven't done it (post rationalisation) is because I haven't got a central "manual". The instructable is about the closest to that, but that doesn't deal with the SD version.