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Author Topic: No pixels are drawn
Posts: 8
Post No pixels are drawn
on: September 26, 2014, 20:19


after I have to finish a Job with the polagraph soon, I decided to reactivate my polagraph with the adafruit motorshield v.1 and deal with the SD later.
After finding out how to wire the motors everything seemed to work out fine. I draw some vectors and it all looked very good. But now I wanted to draw a simple image with square wave pixels. I alway got just a straight line instead of a wave. After searching the forums and the site I found the new debug error messages, but I can't make any sense out of it. The debug message is:

incoming: MSG,I,Max density for penSize: nan, rowSize: 190 is 1
incoming: MSG,I,You probably won't get any detail in this.

It also appears on the right side in the controller. In this case I put the Pensize to 0.5 and the rowSize to 190. But it does not even show the pensize in the error message. I tried countless versions with different row sizes and pen sizes, but the best i could get was "rowSize: xx is 2" so the pen did one wave for a completely black pixel.

I don't know if it is in any relation to the error I get when uploading the maschine specs to the polargraph:

incoming: MSG,E,C25,PGXXABCD,END not recognised.

I found out that C25 is the maschinename and it is // out in the .ino. I loaded the arduino with the hex files, so I don't know if it is // out there too, but I think so.

I hope someone could help me with that. If I have to change the sketch and upload it per Arduino IDE, it schould not be a big problem for me I hope.


Posts: 1317
Post Re: No pixels are drawn
on: September 26, 2014, 22:22

Oh right, I snipped the name out of the _a1 code to save space. Never used it anyway, so no loss.

The other thing.. that's more weird, I'll have a look in that. For me, if I set pen size first, then it shows up in the MSG,I message. If I don't, then it shows up as not-a-number (nan).

I don't actually have an uno with a motorshield with motors actually attached to test with.

I noticed one other thing - doing a "move to point" wasn't working properly - at least, the SYNC message that came back didn't correspond with what was requested in the command. Not sure if it is the "send" that is wrong or the "sync".


Posts: 1317
Post Re: No pixels are drawn
on: September 26, 2014, 22:29

Oh, right the message

MSG,I,Max density for penSize: nan, rowSize: 190 is 1

If nan was "0.8", then the maximum number of waves that can be drawn into a pixel that is 190 steps per side is 1. So it can only fit one wave into the pixel. You need more than that to express any detail.


Posts: 8
Post Re: No pixels are drawn
on: October 8, 2014, 10:40

OK, here is my short feedback:

It seemed, as if the controller had a problem when I uploaded the maschine specs. After uploading I always got the error messages and nothing was drawn.
When I closed the controller after the upload and opend it again everything worked out fine as it should. So the problem was solved.


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