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Author Topic: Polargraph controller finally running but not communicating over serial.
Posts: 8
Post Polargraph controller finally running but not communicating over serial.
on: January 9, 2016, 07:41

I have finally got the Polargraph controller running for my recently purchased Vitamin kit.
It wasn't easy for me as I am not really versed in Arduino/coding yet , I tried running the controller application 32/64 bit versions on a number of different PCs , uninstalled Java a number of times all with no success and eventually followed the instructions to install Processing and the controller now runs. The Forum is a great resource.

I followed the instructions regarding selecting the serial port but it says that Polargraph is not connected.- I am using Com4

I am using a Chipkit Max32 board and expect that I will probably need to make changes to some aspects of the controller but I am not sure what to do next.

Any advice appreciated.

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Polargraph controller finally running but not communicating over serial.
on: January 9, 2016, 12:19

Something I noticed is that the controller sometimes takes a connect, then a disconnect, then a connect in order to get connected.

1. Open the serial port window
2. select a com port (any one) and wait a couple of seconds
3. select "no serial port" and wait a couple of seconds
4. select the COM4 and wait a couple of seconds.

I think it depends on which state the controller is in when it starts, whether it plays nice or not, so this little back-and-forth shakes something out.

Give that a shot. Other thing: You can only have one connection open to the serial port at any time, so if you have the arduino IDE connected with it's serial port monitor open, then the Polargraph controller won't be able to connect.

Last thing - the com port is obviously working because you managed to flash the firmware successfully. In the Arduino IDE (or is it a chipkit ide?), can you connect ok to the board using a serial monitor, and see it do it's READY ... READY polling?

Well done in getting this far 🙂


Posts: 8
Post Re: Polargraph controller finally running but not communicating over serial.
on: January 10, 2016, 08:13

I'm obviously missing something here Sandy.
I thought that getting the controller to run was the Holy Grail but you mentioned flashing the firmware which I haven't done.
I bought a vitamin kit which according to the green post it pad has v1.2.2 firmware loaded. I think what I'm missing is the Polargraph Server maybe ?
It seems there are different versions for the various board types and I'm starting to think I should get a standard Arduino board , which one do you recommend ?
Just to put me on the right track - The Polargraph Server runs on the Arduino board and the Controller communicates through that ?

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Polargraph controller finally running but not communicating over serial.
on: January 10, 2016, 10:01

Hi yes, the "tested ok!" note means it has been tested with v1.2.2, but you're right, the server actually runs on the arduino board. No code runs on the Polarshield, it just provides features that the arduino can use.

A lot of people get here via instructables ( and the difference between the firmware and the controller is explained clearly there so I admit I've not done it elsewhere - sorry about that.

The version you'd need is polargraph_server_polarshield (, there is only one version for this, targetting Arduino MEGA 2560. The chipkit MAX might be similar enough that it works out the box, but you might have to use the chipkit libraries instead of the Arduino ones (UTouch and UTFT). If you baulk at that, drop me an email and I'll send a pre-programmed MEGA 2560 compatible board as a rescue package!

The firmware is included in the polargraphcontroller software bundle if you want to give it a shot. If nothing else, you should be loading some example pieces of firmware into the chipkit to make sure it actually works.


Posts: 8
Post Re: Polargraph controller finally running but not communicating over serial.
on: January 10, 2016, 10:30

Thanks Sandy.
I will give it a go and let you know how it works out

Posts: 8
Post Re: Polargraph controller finally running but not communicating over serial.
on: January 19, 2016, 05:42

I am discovering that Polargraphing is a non trivial pursuit but very interesting.
I tried compiling the Polargraph server code for my Chipkit MAX32 but the availablememory routine doesn't compile because of hardware differences.

I bit the bullet and bought a Mega2560 board and after more stuffing around I could complete my build and fired the beast up last night.

I now have the problem that I have limited movement so anything I try to draw is just a black blob. I can manually move the gondola to any position on my board using the manual adjustments but the Polargraph controller has very restricted movement. I cannot adjust the step multiplier to 8 as suggested because it is stuck on "1" I can change any other parameter but not that one and think it may be the cause of my problem.

Can you make any suggestions ?. I am running the controller from Processing as I could not get either 32/64 bit applications to run.

Posts: 8
Post Re: Polargraph controller finally running but not communicating over serial.
on: January 19, 2016, 11:56

OK so even I should have realised that in the absence of a step multiplier to simply multiply the number of steps. I have now set steps to 1600 per rev and I'm now getting more range of movement.although it's still not full range. I have also just realised that the steppers I am using are not the ones supplied in the kit as those had short leads and I had some similar NEMA 17 motors with longer leads and connectors prefitted. I don't think that is the cause but can't be sure. I will try the supplied motors tomorrow.

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Polargraph controller finally running but not communicating over serial.
on: January 19, 2016, 21:48

The step multiplier number spinner does work, it is just less sensitive than some other spinners with wider ranges.

All settings can also be changed directly by editing the file.


Posts: 8
Post Re: Polargraph controller finally running but not communicating over serial.
on: February 8, 2016, 01:58

Feedback re my problem listed above.
I changed the motors to the ones supplied with the vitamin kit and reduced the values for motor speed and acceleration down to around 500. My polargraph immediately started working correctly. My assumption is that it was the speed/accel settings that made the difference. I read in a post elsewhere that these settings could be increased significantly but I think not . I am happy with slower but reliable drawing speed.

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