Something I noticed is that the controller sometimes takes a connect, then a disconnect, then a connect in order to get connected.
1. Open the serial port window
2. select a com port (any one) and wait a couple of seconds
3. select "no serial port" and wait a couple of seconds
4. select the COM4 and wait a couple of seconds.
I think it depends on which state the controller is in when it starts, whether it plays nice or not, so this little back-and-forth shakes something out.
Give that a shot. Other thing: You can only have one connection open to the serial port at any time, so if you have the arduino IDE connected with it's serial port monitor open, then the Polargraph controller won't be able to connect.
Last thing - the com port is obviously working because you managed to flash the firmware successfully. In the Arduino IDE (or is it a chipkit ide?), can you connect ok to the board using a serial monitor, and see it do it's READY ... READY polling?
Well done in getting this far 🙂