Hi Alexandre!
Those motors are geared so it takes many more steps for a full revolution than the motors that come with the polargraph kits. When I made a polargraph rig with 28BYJ-48's last year, I found contradictory info about them online, leading me to believe there may be differently geared motors being given the same part number. For example, the info on Adafruit's site (a reputable source) didn't match what I was seeing at all. The source I bought mine from stated a similar step angle to what's shown on the page you linked, but those numbers didn't work out right for me either.
You're going to have to change a few settings in your default.properties.txt and upload the new specs to your machine via the controller.
The settings that worked for me:
The steps per rev being a non-integer is weird, and I don't know what Sandy's code does with that, but according to the math, that's what my motors do. At the time, I found a blog post somewhere that agreed with that number, so I took that as validation.
Most sites recommend running the motors in half-step mode, that's why I set the multiplier to 2.
If I tried running the motors faster than 1000, they didn't work reliably.
Sandy might jump in and explain why I'm all wrong, but those settings worked well for me. A machine with these motors isn't going to be as fast as one with the more typical 200 step motors, but they do work ok within certain limits.