Ah! I didn't think of changing the frame rate. I'll try that once I've got the motor shield working again.
Did you manage to get it working with a Raspberry Pi 2? Impressive stuff! Any help with instructions/compilation would be really helpful.
To get it going on the PI2, I grabbed the Java 1.7 sdk, Processing 1.5, and then the Polargraph controller source files and Libs. You then have to delete the Java install that comes with Processing, and then point it to the Java1.7 install instead - with a symbolic link (ln -s).
The tricky part is the Java serial coms library, as it doesn't work with the ARM processor on the PI. I did some digging, and there are various suggestions around, including copying other libraries in. I couldn't get that to work, so I cross-compiled an OpenWRT version I've been using on another project (it's a very long story).
Serial coms works now, but it's a bit flakey, probably because it's not playing nice with Debian. Some more time spent with Google will most likely find a proper solution for the coms library.
Now in hindsight, life is too short to be messing around like that, but I refused to let the poxy PI beat me 🙂