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Author Topic: problem uploading code to Arduino
Posts: 3
Post problem uploading code to Arduino
on: June 9, 2012, 17:10


I'm using an Uno and each time I try to upload the code to the board I get the following message...

avrdude: stk500_paged_write(): (a) protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x64
avrdude: stk500_cmd(): programmer is out of sync

This is odd because I can load other code to the board including stuff I've done using the motorshield.

Does anybody have any idea why I'm encountering this as an issue and better still maybe point me towards a solution?

Posts: 1317
Post Re: problem uploading code to Arduino
on: June 9, 2012, 21:21

Hi Mark, this is one of these things I've seen a couple of times before, but can't really think of what I did to fix it. Except that the fact that I can't remember hints that I just fannyed on until it worked - there was no magic bullet.

Off the top of my head, I can only suggest I'd check I've got the right kind of board selected in the arduino IDE, check the COM port is right, check that you can connect to it using the serial monitor. Then, do lots of unplugging, waiting, plugging back in, resetting, restarting the IDE etc. Basically arsing on with it until it bends to your will. Definitely do all this stuff without the motorshield attached. Also could try resetting just before uploading the code, see if that works. Plenty of stuff via google about this issue, but I'm yet to see a common factor, except, unfortunately, a goosed bootloader / UNO. The firmware you should be using is polargraph_server_a1.

Good luck!

Sandy Noble

Posts: 3
Post Re: problem uploading code to Arduino
on: June 12, 2012, 11:34

Hi Sandy

Thanks for the reply but as I pointed out in my original mail I can communicate with the board and upload other sketches. I know what you mean about this sort of error and I've experienced it before.... however in this instance the problem is very specific in that it only occurs when I attempt to upload polargraph_server_a1.

As a result of this it does not appear to be an issue to do with type of board, the COM port and I can see the serial monitor and receive data from the board if another sketch is uploaded.

The only stuff that I've come across on google refers to issues if the sketch is large (albeit also technically below the max size) which in this case might be an issue.

Having plugged, unplugged, restarted and tried this out on 32 and 64 bit machines I'm feeling a tad frustrated. I've even purchased and tried out a seeduino as featured in your instructable.

Can I ask what OS you're running the Arduino environment from? Is there anything else you can think of that might affect things? If all else fails and push came to shove if I posted you the board could you upload the code?



Posts: 3
Post Re: problem uploading code to Arduino
on: June 12, 2012, 15:16

Hi Sandy

OK many hours of frustration later and I've still to test the board but it has finally uploaded... I think its worth noting the following....

I had been trying to do this within Windows 7 on 32 and 64 bit versions with no success. Changing to XP finally led to me be being able to upload the code, however this was only achieved by using the Seeeduino; the Uno failed in the same way it had on Win 7.

One caveat is that I was having general issues with the Seeeduino on Windows 7 and there may have been a driver issue - however its clear from my experience with XP that although the UNO (R2) could be seen on XP and alternative code could be uploaded to it, it appears to have had issues with polargraph_server_a1.

Maybe there is a compatibility issue between the UNO (R2) and polargraph_server_a1?

all the best


Posts: 1317
Post Re: problem uploading code to Arduino
on: June 12, 2012, 15:52

Hey Mark, I'm using Windows 7 64 bit.

The seeeduino (2.0 version ones anyway) use an FTDI chip to provide it's USB implementation, it is used as a Duemilanove in the arduino IDE. The FTDI usually needs special drivers.

The Uno uses a different kind of USB connection implementation that usually does _not_ need special drivers.

I don't think there is an incompatibility between uno and the code there's certainly nothing esoteric in it - but anything's possible. I have read about a problem with large sketches: and have some info about this - and a new (march 2012) bootloader that fixes the problem. If it comes to it, then you may be lucky that you have the kit required to flash the bootloaders, but I've never done it myself so can't advise. Of course I'd be very happy to do it for you, but it's not a solution for future updates.


Posts: 1317
Post Re: problem uploading code to Arduino
on: June 19, 2012, 08:56

Mark, any chance you could try this different mechanism for loading the code?
I'm curious to see if the issue is with arduino IDE or the bootloader.


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