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Author Topic: Problem with image distortion and a gondola drop.
Posts: 5
Post Problem with image distortion and a gondola drop.
on: June 16, 2012, 16:26

Hi Sandy!

I've been really busy, but finally got the time to put my polargraph up. However I've got some problems to get it working properly. I've checked all my measurements and they are exact. I've also checked the cables from the motors and they are connected accordingly to the instructions submitted. When I start a drawing the gondola makes a "controlled" drop, down and slightly to the left (100 mm) from the set 120 mm homepoint. It then starts to draw, but a lot on the same spot. I get the feeling that the image gets crammed together somehow. Is it something with the motors? Are the motors different to each other or can you just swap them around as long the cables are matching the instructions....

Im starting to go INSANE!!! The lines are just perfect, but something is really wrong.... I'm submitting some images with the specifications in the software and one of my machine. The drawing on the machine is done two times on top of each other. The first time it started a little bit higher then the second time, but both dropped to much from the homepoint. I also tried a third time with taking of some weight, but then it dropped severely and just went bananas, since the weight was not enough.

I really hope Im doing a newbie misstake here... I really want it to work. When you start seeing it moving...It's just hypnotising.

Take Care!


Posts: 1317
Post Re: Problem with image distortion and a gondola drop.
on: June 16, 2012, 16:57

Nice looking setup Christian, glad you got it moving at least 🙂 Don't go insane quite yet. Looks like a power issue to me - it just has enough power to hold the gondola still, but not enough to move it around. Have a check on your PSU and see what voltage it's set to (there's a little yellow dial underneath). It should be 6 or 7.5v for a machine this size probably.

fingers crossed!
sandy noble

Posts: 5
Post Re: Problem with image distortion and a gondola drop.
on: June 16, 2012, 17:56

I've changed the voltage to 7 and to 9, but to no avail. It still does the drop and start drawing, but misses out on information. It's not keeping a square, it's just working it's way down slowly exactly like the image in the post before... Do I need to change something in the software when I change the voltage?


Posts: 1317
Post Re: Problem with image distortion and a gondola drop.
on: June 16, 2012, 18:22

Bummer I hoped that's all it was! Right, next is to check the polarity of the connector on the PSU - it should be centre positive like in the pic attached. No, don't need to change anything in the software when changing the voltage.

Check the EXT_PWR jumper is in place, next to the empty screw terminal on the motorshield.

Check the power comes on (the LEDs are lit) when the machine is plugged in to the PSU, but with the USB disconnected.

Also, try it with the USB connected and the PSU disconnected entirely - see if it behaves any differently when trying to draw.

Still sounds like a power thing... Something else you could try is to do a "set home" without actually physically moving the gondola. So hit set home, and let it lock the motors with the gondola hanging in it's natural balanced position (in the middle somewhere probably) rather than up at the top. Now it won't be properly calibrated, but if you run your drawing commands again I bet you'll see slightly better fidelity. I mean, it'll be completely distorted because it's miscalibrated, but it should be more _regular_.

If it behaves better then we know it's a motor power issue.


Posts: 5
Post Re: Problem with image distortion and a gondola drop.
on: June 16, 2012, 18:37


Fingers crossed...BUT i think it's working! It was a glitch in the power cable. I had tu put it in a certain position, without the usb connected. When lit, I just plugged in the USB...

I'll post again later if i get a result!

Thank you so much!!!!

Perfect just before the footie!!


Posts: 5
Post Re: Problem with image distortion and a gondola drop.
on: June 16, 2012, 20:03


I almost lost my family.

It was absolutely worth it.



Posts: 1317
Post Re: Problem with image distortion and a gondola drop.
on: June 16, 2012, 22:24

Ha ha! Very glad you sorted it out Christian - one thing I noticed before with these power supplies - there are two tips supplied that fit, one is very tight, one is quite loose - and only makes proper contact when it's pulled at an angle away from the socket. You might try the other tip (check the polarity of course) if you want a more reliable connection.

Good stuff, good luck!

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