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Author Topic: Step motor and servo do not work.
Posts: 8
Post Step motor and servo do not work.
on: April 28, 2017, 11:22

Hi friends, stepper motor and servo tied. But the servo does not move. In the same way the stepper motor vibrates but does not turn. Why could it be?

Posts: 2
Post Re: Step motor and servo do not work.
on: April 29, 2017, 12:11

i have a bigger problem that any body can't solve it i use a ramps board a mega2560 arduino and a4988 stepper driver i install controller successfully and upload firmware too controller connects to mega2560 with ready200 message but my steppers do not active . i have studied many forums and ask help from Mr Sandy Noble but any body can't help this problem therefor i release polargraph now. what should i do ? i don't know

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Step motor and servo do not work.
on: April 29, 2017, 18:29

Sana please don't hijack other people's threads - start your own thread with a descriptive title, and your question in it.

Onuryuzak, there are literally a thousand reasons this could be, and you haven't given us any infomation at all that might help. What kind of machine have you got, what kind of arduino, what kind of driver, what kind of firmware, where did you get the firmware from, what modifications have you made to the firmware, have you tested the hardware with other firmware to make sure it works (motors and servo), what errors or messages do you see in the console when you connect the machine, is the controller receiving responses from the machine, is the machine on, how are you powering the machine. What do you do to test it, what do you expect to happen, what actually happens. Come on, throw us a bone here!

Posts: 2
Post Re: Step motor and servo do not work.
on: April 29, 2017, 20:05

hi my Majesty
why hijack ?!!!

Mr sandy just i asked my question in forum as you said me.

in my question i have explained every thing . a few days ago i sent you my problem by email and explained every things and you replied that i should ask my question in forum and my problem doesn't have solution yet i see your polargraph in web and i love it and respect you for it a lot i think you are a fantastic engineer but i can't make my polargraph and this makes me sad therefor i am searching for a way i ask help from every body is this hijack? i do not think
in my region i do not access to polargraph shield and it's boards i just have mega 2560, ramps v1.4 and a4988 driver and i download controller and firmware from githob as you said in your document and test. my firmware and controller are in a folder with this name "Polargraph.2016-03-29". controller connect to board successfully and i read massage "ready200" but i see "mm per rev:nan" and when i want to upload machine spec , Machine stuck at busy !!! i read all forums and link that you sent me but there are not any answer. please help
sorry for my bad english

Posts: 8
Post Re: Step motor and servo do not work.
on: April 29, 2017, 21:09

Quote from sandy on April 29, 2017, 18:29
Sana please don't hijack other people's threads - start your own thread with a descriptive title, and your question in it.

Onuryuzak, there are literally a thousand reasons this could be, and you haven't given us any infomation at all that might help. What kind of machine have you got, what kind of arduino, what kind of driver, what kind of firmware, where did you get the firmware from, what modifications have you made to the firmware, have you tested the hardware with other firmware to make sure it works (motors and servo), what errors or messages do you see in the console when you connect the machine, is the controller receiving responses from the machine, is the machine on, how are you powering the machine. What do you do to test it, what do you expect to happen, what actually happens. Come on, throw us a bone here!

Nema 23 I am using a 0.9deg / step motor. I use Arduino uno. I feed from the outside with 12V. I use AF Motor shield. I am using Processing 2.2.1.

It works without any inconvenience when I run the servio with normal code. But in processing I do not react at all when I call a pen lift.

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Step motor and servo do not work.
on: April 29, 2017, 22:25

Sana, you should have started a new thread, with a descriptive name. This is how forums work. Adding your problem to Onuryuzak's thread did not help him solve his problem, and makes it hard to read the thread.

I am very pleased you like the project, and am sorry you are having problems. I am not attempting to answer your question here, because this is not your thread, and I have never used RAMPS, I do not support it, and you have already read everything I know about it:

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Step motor and servo do not work.
on: April 29, 2017, 22:32

Onuryuzak I'm sorry to seem impatient, or demanding, but you really need to give a bit more.

What happens when you upload your machine spec?
Look at the console (in the Processing IDE) when you send the pen lift / pen drop commands. What do you see?
Look at the console and reset the arduino. What do you see?

Posts: 8
Post Re: Step motor and servo do not work.
on: April 30, 2017, 23:10

Quote from sandy on April 29, 2017, 22:32
Onuryuzak I'm sorry to seem impatient, or demanding, but you really need to give a bit more.

What happens when you upload your machine spec?
Look at the console (in the Processing IDE) when you send the pen lift / pen drop commands. What do you see?
Look at the console and reset the arduino. What do you see?

Servo is running. But there is an excessive tremor in the engines and the shaft does not turn. I give 12v 0.5 amp power. Is the power too much or too little?

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Step motor and servo do not work.
on: April 30, 2017, 23:53

How could i tell, when I don't know what kind of motors you are using?

Your power supply must be matched to your motors. With 0.5amp PSU, your motors should draw less than 250mA each.

I'm afraid I'm about to give up on this, because you don't seem able to understand my questions or describe your problem, very sorry.

Posts: 8
Post Re: Step motor and servo do not work.
on: May 1, 2017, 15:23

I am using Nema 23 KP56KM1-014.

I can not find datasheet on this motors.

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Step motor and servo do not work.
on: May 7, 2017, 08:57

The very first google result for "Nema 23 KP56KM1-014" lists data on this motor.

Literally the least I could do.

This suggests that these motors draw 1A each. You have not said which motorshield you're using (there are two kinds of Adafruit shield), and they have different capabilities. The old Adafruit motorshield v1, with L293D drivers could supply 600mA per motor. The v2 shield can supply 1.2A per motor. So this does make a difference.

Your motors will try to draw 2A. Your PSU can't supply that much. I don't know about your motorshield because you haven't been clear about which one you have.

I'm out, I'm sorry.

don divi
Posts: 1
Post Re: Step motor and servo do not work.
on: October 13, 2017, 00:21


First of all I apologize for my English. I got a similar problem that those folks, and i'll trie to be as specific as I can.

I got:
-Arduino Uno
-Adafruit shield v2,
-Two steppers motors Nema 16 0.9deg 0.4A 12V
- A 12v and 1,25A power supply

I dont have any message error, neither with the Arduino, or the processing polarograph's controller. The controller seems to be connected to the Arduino, but when i trie to send some commands (lift the pen, move the pen or whatever...) the stepper motors just do a weird sound and shivers. The servo dont makes any move.

I've tried some Adafruit motors test librairies (that are included in the polarograph zipe file) and the motors are running.

I've seen on others discussions that with the V2 shield the default settings might change ( at least that is what I understood..)

Do you have any recommandation, advise or whatever ?
Hope I have been clear enough.. (I am ouf course available for any precision)

Thanks a lot.


Posts: 1317
Post Re: Step motor and servo do not work.
on: October 16, 2017, 22:08

Ok Alexandre:
What kind of firmware? Where did you get the firmware from? Have you made any modifications to the firmware?

By default, the polargraph_server_a1 firmware is configured to use an Adafruit v1 motorshield.


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