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Paul Nakata is a GitHubber!

We're excited to welcome Paul to the Sales team at GitHub!


When Paul isn't helping our customers get started with GitHub, he enjoys learning about cephalopods, cooking, and doomsday planning for the robot takeover. We also think he bears a striking resemblance to Louis CK.

You can follow Paul on GitHub and Twitter.

Patrick Toomey is a GitHubber

We are excited to welcome Patrick Toomey to the GitHub security team. With experience as a penetration tester and developer, Patrick will be hunting down and fixing vulnerabilities in GitHub products as well as coming up with new ways to make GitHub more awesome and secure.

Patrick Toomey

When not keeping evildoers at bay, Patrick enjoys (potentially bad) heist movies, near-term-science-fiction, and scouring the earth for good french toast and pizza.

Patrick can be found as ptoomey3 on GitHub and @patricktoomey on Twitter.

Ryan Day is a GitHubber!

Tens of thousands of applications integrate with GitHub to help improve the state of software development and collaboration. I'm thrilled to welcome Ryan Day to lead our business development efforts, helping companies everywhere work better with GitHub.

Ryan was born with ice skates on in the only state you can represent with your hand. He loves great wine, but doesn't care for wine snobs (it's a drink of the people!).

Follow Ryan on GitHub and check out Flour & Co., an awesome bakery in Nob Hill run by Ryan's wife Emily.

Jules Meschan is a GitHubber!

I am very excited to announce that Jules Meschan has joined as the new Executive Assistant to our CEO, Tom Preston-Werner! Jules started her EA career in NYC in 2007, gaining experience at Tiger Management, Kaplan Test Prep, R.G. Niederhoffer Capital Management and Avison Young.

A few interesting facts about Jules:

  • :sparkles: She is a singer/songwriter of country and folk music
  • :sparkling_heart: Walks in the Susan Komen Race for the Cure every year where she started a team called Walkers for Knockers
  • :sparkles: Proud owner of an adorable certified Emotional Support Therapy dog named Nash who she takes along when she volunteers at cancer centers


Scott Sanders is a GitHubber

We're very excited to belatedly welcome Scott Sanders to the Operations team at GitHub!

Scott has been working with us for a few weeks now, but we had to go crawling through the data centers to find him.

2013-08-29 22_21_20

When he's not stealth-racking servers, Scott likes to do football things, like play Fantasy Football with the stars and cheer for his favorite team on Saturdays.

Scott can be found as jssjr on GitHub and @scott_sanders on Twitter.

Aidan Feldman is a GitHubber

We're pleased to welcome Aidan Feldman to GitHub. He joins us as a developer on the Education Team.

afeld's GIF

When Aidan isn't writing code, teaching, or hosting office hours for aspiring hackers, you can find him riding his bicycle or prancing around NYC. You might know him of fame.

You can follow Aidan on GitHub and Twitter.

Chris Rathjen is a GitHubber!

We're very pleased to welcome Chris Rathjen to our support team.

Chris didn't hear you enter the library, but he's sure glad you're here.

Chris joins the GitHub Supportocats from Chicago where he is passionately involved in the long-form improvisation community. He really likes collaboration without ego, long-distance running, and turning to smile.

If you don't already listen to his stellar Improvised Star Trek podcast, you should probably start.

You can follow him on GitHub and Twitter.

JD Maturen is a GitHubber

I'd like to introduce you to JD. He's joining us in our quest to bring some science & analytics to all the ways that people use GitHub.

Known around the world for angled shots of inanimate objects, a love for distributed systems, and a somewhat warped obsession with measuring tapes, we're pretty confident he's going to fit right in.

You can keep up with @jdmaturen on GitHub and Twitter.

Emily Gould is a GitHubber

poof 2

GitHub's Supportocat Superteam is excited to welcome beer authority (and Michael Jackson fangirl) Emily Gould!

The theme of Emily's Supportocat origin story is connecting people with what they need. Coming to us fresh from the world of professional beer and wine expertise, she's also taught English in Germany, organized community support for Baltimore public schools, and organized fundraising events (like the Spaghetti Disco) for an inner-city library. Yes, yet another librarian! Didn't you know librarians are closely related to octo-felis scintillula?

Emily is now rescuing Accounts In Distress, based out of her top secret empathy lab in Dallas, TX. Her other superpowers include:

  • honeyed words that sweeten even the most sour situations
  • secreting diaphanous bug-catching filaments from her fingertips
  • defeating every brisket she meets

Stay tuned for Emily's further adventures on GitHub and Twitter.

Joe Williams is a GitHubber

We're excited to welcome Joe Williams to the GitHub Operations team this week!

Joe likes to ride his bicycle in the woods, on the roads, through the mud, up mountains, down mountains, and just about everywhere else too. When he's not dropping the hammer, Joe can be found automating servers by the peloton. Joe's passion for distributed systems, queuing theory, and spotting a false flat will be invaluable as we continue to scale our backend systems.

Joe currently resides in Seattle, WA where as you might imagine, he rides bikes. You can follow Joe on GitHub and Twitter.

Brian Burridge is a GitHubber

We are pleased to welcome @brianburridge to the team. Brian brings his ample development skills and years of experience to GitHub to assist the Training Team in our ever-expanding goal to teach the world.

Brian lives in Tampa Bay, Florida with his wife and two children. Some fun facts about him:

  • He has spent the last five years as the developer for Miley Cyrus's fan club site.
  • He founded during the 2010 Rails Rumble.
  • He regularly attends and reviews movies.
  • He is a Florida Gators fan.
  • No, seriously: he hasn't missed watching or listening to a Gator football game since 1988. He even famously worked his wedding and honeymoon schedule around Gator constraints. This guy is in it to win it.
  • He is a first-degree black belt in Tang Soo Do, which was awarded to him by Grand Master Kim. Grand Master Kim also trained Chuck Norris. No, we are not making this up.
  • Oh yeah, don't forget the red belt in Filipino Arnis.

Brian Loves the Gators

You can follow him on GitHub, Twitter, and his blog.

Andy Lindeman is a GitHubber

This week we're pleased to welcome Andy Lindeman to GitHub.


Hailing from Atlanta, you might know Andy as one of the maintainers of RSpec. Andy will be helping us measure and report on All The Things™ as the newest member of our analytics team. When he's not hacking, Andy likes getting into Georgia's great outdoors for running, backpacking, and ultimate Frisbee.

Follow Andy on GitHub and Twitter.

Aziz Shamim is a GitHubber!

Today we welcome Aziz Shamim to GitHub! Aziz actually started last week, but was having so much fun doing Ops with us that we didn't notice the week had ended! Aziz will be bringing his wealth of knowledge around automation and development to the Operations Team. Rumor has it, Aziz might be working on making computers smart enough with AI to make the best cup of coffee you'll ever drink.


When not designing sentient infrastructure, you can find Aziz in Nashville, TN enjoying some of the finer things in life: a good scotch, a great book, and a lively debate.

You can follow him on GitHub and Twitter.

Tobias Ahlin is a GitHubber!

The design team at GitHub just leveled-up. This week we welcome Tobias Ahlin as a native designer. He'll be focusing on GitHub for Windows, expertly pushing those metro pixels into whitespaced perfection.


Tobias hails from Stockholm, Sweden, where he enjoys basketball, long summer days, and a kind affection for delicious vegetables.

You can follow him on GitHub, Twitter, and Dribbble.

Tim Littlemore is a GitHubber!

We're excited to announce the addition of Tim Littlemore to our GitHub Enterprise Support crew! Hailing from Cheshire, United Kingdom, he's the second member of our European support team and will help improve global support coverage for Enterprise users.


You can follow Tim on GitHub and Twitter.

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