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Author Topic: Beginners help...
Posts: 2
Post Beginners help...
on: May 26, 2012, 04:59

Good evening,

I'm trying to build a polargraph machine but I'm unsure about all the parts for the thing (I bought the vitamins kit so I have basically everything else)... I'm assuming the Seeeduino v3.0 will work as my microcontroller since it's the recommended one - does it get all its power from the USB connection, or do I need a separate power supply for it? What specific kind of power supply do I need for the Adafruit Motoshield? It seems like 1000 mA is the important part (though it says the motoshield will draw up to 1.2 A with the two steppers), but I'm unsure about what voltage my power supply should have...

I'm also considering sourcing extension wire for the steppers and servo from old keyboard USB cables, and just twisting them together and soldering them a bit to connect them.... is that an acceptable solution or will it impede the functionality of my machine?

Anyhow I'm very new to the whole DIY electronics thing, so please excuse me if the answers I'm looking for are obvious...


Posts: 1317
Post Re: Beginners help...
on: May 26, 2012, 10:38

Hi Zach, no problem! Seeeduino 3 will be fine - I think seeeduino are "best of breed" when it comes to arduino. There's two switches on them, one labelled RST (reset) and one labelled VCC (supply voltage to use). Set the RST to AUTO and the VCC to 5v. This tells it to reset automatically when you want to upload a new program, and also to supply 5v to the motorshield. Lots of shields like 3.3v, but the L293D chips in the motorshield need a full 5v. Only thing about it is that it's a "duemilanove" design rather than an "uno" design. This boils down to the way that the USB is handled - the duemilanove uses an FTDI chip for USB interfacing, and that sometimes needs a special driver to install (on PC and mac), whereas the "uno" style boards don't. But it's easy to do.

All the electronics/logic side of things can run off the USB connection, so you can connect, program, even run commands just using USB, and use the servo motor, but the stepper motors themselves won't actually do anything worthwhile unless you've got an external power supply also connected. I've run at about 6v, but I'm tending to use 7.5v lately. Just seems to make things a little more definite and reliable, and I don't see any down-side really - probably runs a little hotter, but I'm getting more fearless. I've got a variable voltage supply because I like to be able to use it for lots of things. (The A4988 or A3967 based stepper drivers like higher supply voltages: 7.5v or 9v.)

Adafruit recommend splitting the power supply, so the motor supply comes into the motorshield through the screw terminal on that board, and the logic supply comes in over the USB (or throught the arduino power socket). You can split them by removing the little jumper that's next to the motorshield power terminals. Personally, I've never had any problems I could attribute to power supply, so I almost always run joined-up, with the jumper in place, and the power supply plugged into the arduino socket. Neater at any rate.

The wire you use for the servo extension doesn't matter much, the one I ship in kits is a neat little thing with a 3-wire ribbon cable with connectors on both ends, but I admit the one I use at home is made of pin-headers and insulated with tape. If you've splicing in-line, offset the splices so they are not all at the same point (so that shorting is harder), and insulate them well. Doesn't need to be thick wire - something that is meant to carry usb-levels of power will be easily good enough. Also, bad things might happen to your servo if you reverse the connections, so be careful with that.

Good luck!
Sandy Noble

Posts: 2
Post Re: Beginners help...
on: May 27, 2012, 00:24

Thanks very much, sandy! That cleared up a lot of things for me... Just one more thing - is it okay to have 2000 mA for the power supply instead of 1000, or will the extra current mess things up somehow? I've found one off the seeed website that's 2 A and 6.5v, I figure it'll work well but I just wanted to check. (

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Beginners help...
on: May 27, 2012, 15:33

No worries Zach, happy to help. The 2A supply will be fine, the motors won't draw anything near that, so should be ok, and like I say, I've been using 6v everywhere up until a couple of weeks ago, so 6.5v will be plenty.


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