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Author Topic: Dry-erase Polargraph with electromagnet-powered eraser?
Posts: 11
Post Dry-erase Polargraph with electromagnet-powered eraser?
on: April 10, 2018, 21:09

I'm planning to build a Polargraph for the dry-erase whiteboard at work. It's a magnetic whiteboard (steel-backed whiteboard that magnets stick to), and I'm wondering if anyone has played around with a gondola design that includes an eraser with an electromagnet. I was thinking that for the erasing procedure, it could drop the gondola to the bottom of the board, activate the magnet (which would hold the eraser against the board with a little force), drag the gondola straight up to erase a swath, deactivate the magnet, then repeat for the next swath. The eraser would be on an arm with a light spring that would hold it slightly away from board when the magnet is off.

I've looked around a bit online, and I've seen some whiteboard-erasing robots (that only erase), but I haven't seen a Polargraph-style vertical hanging drawing robot that also erases.

Does this seem feasible to anyone?

Posts: 11
Post Re: Dry-erase Polargraph with electromagnet-powered eraser?
on: April 10, 2018, 22:07

The motivation for this is that it would be fun to have a server with a simple web form where people could add drawings (maybe just SVG files) that the robot would draw, erase, draw the next in queue, etc. Of course, for this to be always-on, it would require mechanical capping and uncapping of the dry erase marker or the marker would dry out.

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Dry-erase Polargraph with electromagnet-powered eraser?
on: April 11, 2018, 22:30

I reckon I've seen something like this before, it had a clear triangular gondola with a motorised eraser. Something to do with a university... I've had a quick scan through the "machines" thread here and can't see it though. I'll dig a bit more next time I'm at a desktop.


Posts: 11
Post Re: Dry-erase Polargraph with electromagnet-powered eraser?
on: April 16, 2018, 17:31

Awesome. I'd be interested to see that. For the first iteration, I'm just building a more straightforward Polargraph without an eraser.

I was thinking a little more about mechanically capping/uncapping the marker, and I'm considering the Expo Click markers:

I could have a servo press the clicker to cap/uncap. I believe I could just remove or file off the click locking mechanism (or don't have the servo push quite far enough to click), so it would never lock into the uncapped position (so when the servo turned back, it would just go back to being capped). This way, the one servo could act as the pen raise/drop servo, and would also be capping the pen whenever it's raised.

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