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Author Topic: Self Sourcing Parts
Posts: 362
Post Self Sourcing Parts
on: October 24, 2011, 21:46

Rummaging through my parts bins, I found I have just about all I need to make a polargraph. The exceptions - rather important ones - are steppers of the correct specs.

Shopping around, I've found a couple candidates from a local store and would to know if you think they'd work.

These meet specs (if riding the borderline at .6Amps), but are low torque (how much is enough?).

These have lower current needs, better torque, and are cheaper, but are unipolar. I know that's not a problem for the motor shield, but is it otherwise a problem?

I don't know enough about stepper motors to understand why voltage "isn't that important" (quote from your BOM), or why, in the case of these two motors, it isn't even explicitly listed in their spec sheets. Am I supposed to use Ohm's Law on the rated current/phase and resistance/phase?

Thanks for your help, and for the cool project, of course!

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Self Sourcing Parts
on: October 24, 2011, 22:51

Kongorilla, great to hear you're having a crack at it. Unipolar steppers aren't a problem at all, no, basically anything the motorshield can handle will work fine.

Re torque - I have no idea what's good or bad to be honest, I just found some that supplied "enough" and stopper looking after that. The motors I've been using are these ones:

The spec sheet only cites 425mA draw - at least I'm assuming it's mA, doesn't even actually say what unit it's in.

Torque-wise, if you are using counterweights, you don't even need very much torque, since you're moving weights around rather than holding them. Your counterweights should be heavy enough so that your gondola hangs about in the upper-middle of your surface, so the motors really only have to "lift" from the neutral point up to the top of your page, and "push" down to the bottom. The more torque you have, the bigger the area you'll be able to cover reliably. Mine is ok everywhere all over the surface, but with an extra bit of weight that I usually add to the gondola, it struggles when moving fast right near the top and misses steps. If I added a bit extra weight to the counterweights I'd be much better off.

I'm no expert either, but voltage seems not to be listed on a lot of steppers, I have read the reason why somewhere, but forget it now. Something to do with inductance? A lot of stepper drivers run very high voltage at peak (30v +), but I have a couple of motors I bought ages ago before I knew what I was looking for in the spec that are dead low voltage, like 3v, but they draw 2A. So I blew up a couple of motorshields using them after a while, but you live and learn!

Current/phase is what you're looking for.


Posts: 362
Post Re: Self Sourcing Parts
on: December 14, 2011, 04:07

Hey Sandy, I finally got some time to work on my polargraph and I'm almost done. I'm calibrating my machine, and noticed a difference between your Instructables instructions and some info from this blog entry:

On Instructables you say the "machine.motors.mmPerRev" is the length of 16 beads, and on the blog 8 beads. Using my eyeballs and brain, I'm going with 8, but I thought you should know of the discrepancy.

Posts: 1317
Post Re: Self Sourcing Parts
on: December 14, 2011, 08:59

Aha, I had a feeling I'd dispersed that lie somewhere, but couldn't figure out where. Your eyeballs and brain are absolutely right, it's the length of 8 beads-worth of cord - I confused myself because there are 16 teeth on the sprocket. I've updated the instructable - thanks for letting me know - appreciated.

Posts: 362
Post Re: Self Sourcing Parts
on: December 14, 2011, 18:14

My machine made it first print last night without a hitch. Beautiful! I'll post pics of my build and its prints when I get another block of free time (and after I print something other than Marilyn and the french bulldog). I didn't have the time to get the controller completely sussed out (I couldn't get the density preview to show anything, for example), and I know the output is going to be even better when I know what I'm doing.

Thanks again for the fun project. It's got a fantastic effort/reward ratio.

Posts: 362
Post Re: Self Sourcing Parts
on: December 14, 2011, 18:18

Oh yeah - You definitely have a customer for the projected standalone board!

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