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Author Topic: Servo Not responding
College AU
Posts: 7
Post Servo Not responding
on: May 23, 2017, 01:56

Hey Sandy,
Thanks for that Amazing response earlier this week.
It sorted out so much for me.
I have FINALLY the motor shield from EBAY  yay
Its exactly the same as the one from your Instructable.
However when I hook it up it makes a little buzz so there is power going to the servo however when I do a drawing… Nothing..
Now I am assuming that maybe there is nowhere in the drawing that needs the servo to lift… but even when I do the pen lift and pen drop options
The servo doesn’t fire up…

Am I missing something??? I know the pins are all correct and for the servo to the board.. + - S are correct
But im not sure why it wont fire up..

I have 2 different servos and either of them work as such.. they buzz when I hook it up but nothing else

I have LED’s hooked to the Stepper outputs (as I don’t have them yet) to see if its functioning and they blink like crazy, so that’s telling me that there is output going to steppers..

Any thoughts??
Im going to put his on the forum also


Posts: 1317
Post Re: Servo Not responding
on: May 23, 2017, 08:12

The pins on the shield go -+s, so your - wire should be closest to the corner of the board, and the signal pin should be furthest.

Make sure that's the right way around. Putting it on the wrong way around won't necessarily break anything ... But it will tend to make a buzzing noise.

So you know that the wiring is correct, do you know if the servo works?

Posts: 3
Post Re: Servo Not responding
on: March 4, 2018, 19:14

A have the same problem:
After power up arduino (or connecting to USB), servo makes on move and then dont respond.
I have microservo Tower Pro SG92R (got it on AliExpress)

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