Thanks for your feedback Sandy.. The precision is more about preventing the cord from slipping cogs in the very likely event that any pulley I make being not nearly accurate.
To answer my own question on how long the piece of string should be, I came up with this (remembering old high school maths!), which might be helpful to anyone with the same questions:
An A1 sheet is approx 600mm wide and 850 high.
Given a 120mm height from the pulleys to the home point, that gives a depth of 970mm.
For the width, there should be 150mm buffer between edge of the machine and the page, therefore giving a max stretch of 750mm across... My mate Pythagoras reckons that the distance from the pulley to the bottom far corner of the page will be ~1227mm for an A1 page, everything lined up perfectly: Sqr( 750*750 + 970*970 ).
The 15 tooth pulleys have a pulley width of 21mm, which gives a circumference of ~65mm (21*3.141 - granted the belt will never fully wrap the circumference, but more is merrier).
This gives a total of ~1290mm, so by the time we attach the gondola and counterweights, and allow for slightly more room (220mm overheads), approx 1500mm of belt per side of the machine will net an A1 sized page.
Calculated for other page sizes (mm per side of the machine, rounded)
A0 = 1930
A1 = 1500
A2 = 1200
A3 = 900
A4 = 840
A5 = 730