The pen is centering nicely even though it's off vertically which suggests that if it was missed steps they are identical left & right, which I think is unlikely. I corrected for the distance to the pivot point (the pen itself is slightly lower which we all agree does nothing but lower the drawing position from previous blog posts). Yet I still had to add a -7mm "fudge" distance to get it to come up to the right position, which obviously is machine dependent.
With the 'fudge', d is shorter so the hypotenuse gondola strings are shorter and the gondola moves to the correct position.
My auto-calibration now works and my drawings (at least from an 8.5x11 paper) are nice and square, distortion minimal. Since it now repeatably homes to this position, that suggests as well that it isn't missed steps.
I'd rest easier knowing where I'm off and fixing the math, which would obviously make the whole process machine-independent, but for now at least my machine calibrates nicely.
thanks for your help; i'm going to spend some time on it and see if I can get the math tight. I conquered several unusual reprap designs/issues; this should be doable!
here's the code i'm using today: